Otago Daily Times

First OGHS principal


AT the very mature age of nearly 94 years the death took place on Sunday at her daughter’s residence of Mrs Margaret Gordon H. Burn, onetime principal of the Otago Girls’ High School. Deceased was born in Edinburgh, the eldest daughter of Mr Alexander Huie. Most of her earlier education was acquired at Circus Place School, and later she studied languages under private tutors. As a young woman she commenced teaching as a governess in the family of Sir William Jackson, at Liverpool. After the death of her father she

emigrated with her mother and the other members of their large family to Australia in 1852, when the gold fever was abroad. Settling at Geelong, a small private school was opened, and successful­ly maintained by Miss Huie till her marriage in 1857 with Mr Andrew Burn. In 1864 the state of Mr Burn’s health necessitat­ed a voyage to the Old Country, and Mrs Burn began a school on the lines of the old Circus Place School in Edinburgh, a high school for girls, which was successful­ly carried on till 1870, when , hearing of the proposed establishm­ent of a girls’ high school in Otago, she applied for and obtained the position of principal at the opening of the school in 1871. A great many people had been doubtful of the success of the new school, but under the capable management of Mrs Burn the school flourished, as also did the large boarding establishm­ent, also under her direction. After many years of unremittin­g labour she was compelled by failing health in 1884 to resign her position. Such an energetic

worker could not long remain idle, and after a short period of retirement she accepted the position of principal of the Waitaki Girls’ High School, which had just been opened at Oamaru. After conducting this school with marked success for about five years, she finally resigned, and resided with different members of her family. She leaves a family, Mrs Allan (wife of Mr R. S. Allan, O.K.); Mr D. W. M. Burn, M.A., head master at Glenoamaru; and Mr Edgar Burn, head master at Romahapa.

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