Otago Daily Times

Six60 returning to play stadium


SIX60 has announced a Dunedin show following a campaign to bring the band down south.

The group will perform at Forsyth Barr Stadium on Saturday, March 9, two weeks after its soldout Western Springs Stadium show in Auckland.

The campaign began after lead singer Matiu Walters told The Hits Dunedin Breakfast duo Callum and P he would love to bring the band back to Dunedin.

Callum Proctor and Patrina Roche took him at his word and began to rally Six60 fans on air and on social media, finally convincing the band to return.

‘‘Let’s do it, the people have spoken!’’ Walters said.

Ms Roche said the campaign initially started as a joke.

‘‘We initially started talking to the promoter as a bit of a laugh . . . Then all of a sudden it actually became a reality and we, and our listeners, were over the moon.’’

Six60 will bring Auckland guests Drax Project, SWIDT and IllBaz along, with the addition of rising rapper JessB, especially for the Dunedin show.

The show will mark a homecoming for Six60, which formed at a flat at 660 Castle St, Dunedin.

Six60 played Forsyth Stadium in support of Ed Sheeran this year and also during O Week in 2017 and 2014.

Tickets for the Dunedin show go on sale from noon Monday, December 17, from Ticketmast­er.

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