Otago Daily Times

Toastie with cheesy greens


8 slices sourdough or goodqualit­y artisan bread 80g butter

4 spring onions, finely sliced

2 garlic cloves, crushed

200g greens, spinach, rocket or kale

tsp tarragon leaves (optional)

70ml cream

100g gruyere or your favourite melting cheese, grated

1 tsp dijon mustard cracked black pepper pinch salt pinch cayenne pepper


Heat 20g of the butter in a mediumsize­d frypan. Add the spring onions and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add the remaining greens and season with salt and pepper. Cook for a further 23 minutes.

Add the cream and cook until the liquid has reduced and become thick.

Remove from the heat and add the cheese, mustard and cayenne pepper. Stir well to combine.

Use the remaining butter to butter one side of each piece of bread.

Lay four slices butterside down on the bench, spread over the cheesy, green mixture and crack more pepper over. Lay the remaining pieces of bread on top, butterside up. Heat a large nonstick frypan to moderately hot. Place the four sandwiches in the pan and press down slightly. Cook until golden and crisp. Turn over and repeat.

They are ready when you see the cheesy filling seeping out and the bread is golden.

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