Otago Daily Times

230 properties evacuated in face of huge fire


A second fire broke out yesterday on Rabbit Island, closer to Nelson.

Pigeon Valley residents spoken to said they left their homes about 6am yesterday after the wind changed direction. They grabbed some pets and clothes and headed for the safety of nearby Wakefield, where an evacuation centre had been set up.

A makeshift heliport was set up on Moutere Highway for choppers to refuel and attach monsoon buckets to attack the blaze.

Armadillo restaurant director Tony Crosbie said his establishm­ent in Richmond was giving away free meals to volunteers and about 20 had come through the doors yesterday.

It showed the spirit of the community they lived in, he said.

West Coast MP Damien O’Connor said it was a real credit to emergency services that nobody had been injured.

However, there had been some animal welfare issues and 13 animals had to be euthanised.

As the fire raged on Tuesday night and threatened properties, the Nelson Harness Racing Club supported the local A&P Associatio­n and offered its stables at Richmond Park as a safe haven.

Horse trainer Brian Johnson, and vicepresid­ent of the Nelson Harness Racing Club, said he was at the track on Tuesday night when horses were being brought in at 10.30pm.

‘‘Most of them come from lifestyle properties and are quite special breeds.’’

The company of other animals keeps them calm, despite the foreign environmen­t, the experience­d horseman said.

Sheep, goats and other livestock were welcome at the otherwise empty stables, Civil Defence said.

Civil Defence Minister Chris Faafoi thanked Fire and Emergency NZ for its massive effort in battling the fire.

‘‘It’s obviously a very big fire . . . we are obviously going to be watching it very closely.

‘‘Hats off to Fenz for their effort over the past 24 hours.’’ — NZME

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Tasman residents wait as firefighte­rs battle a blaze near their homes.
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES Tasman residents wait as firefighte­rs battle a blaze near their homes.

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