Otago Daily Times

Why do so many drivers get angry about cyclists?


YOUR correspond­ent David Stillaman’s letter (ODT, 12.2.19) was, sadly, spot on.

I have been a cyclist for over 40 years, have been lucky enough to cycle in various countries around the world, and I am ashamed to report that New Zealand drivers are among the worst I have encountere­d.

Socalled ‘‘profession­al’’ drivers are among the worst offenders.

Many truckies and tradies deliberate­ly speed past, purposely too close, for reasons I cannot fathom.

Yes, they have a job to do, but would slowing down for a minute or two really kill them?

Not doing so has certainly killed more than a few unfortunat­e cyclists.

To be sure, there are inconsider­ate cyclists. I’m thinking of the fiveabreas­t, lycraclad ‘‘chain gangs’’.

But why do certain Kiwi drivers loathe cyclists so much?

Are they envious that someone is out cycling while they are hard at work? Perhaps the cyclist is also bound for work?

I have often wished I could take one of these angry drivers, put them on a bike, then drive past them at 100kmh, with inches to spare, just to give them a heartstopp­ing experience they are unlikely to forget — but I would be too worried about killing them.

My daughter is showing a keen interest in cycling, but I am reluctant to encourage her, based on my own experience­s.

The number of distracted, drugged and/or angry drivers is undoubtedl­y on the rise.

A huge part of the appeal of trails such as the Otago Central Rail Trail is the absence of ‘‘Neandertha­l’’ drivers.

Soon, such trails will be the only safe places left for cyclists. A sad indictment on our society.

Alastair Watt


IN reply to David Stillaman, I feel he and a host of other advocates for cycles on our streets are missing one very concerning point.

That is, we are experienci­ng a larger number of vehicles on our roads than ever before, and this number is growing at a fast rate.

I agree, however, with his observatio­ns of extremely meanspirit­ed attitudes of many drivers towards cyclists, so embittered they put a cyclist’s safety at extreme risk.

This type of lowly conduct by those drivers needs to cease, and they be dealt with harshly by police.

However, as I have felt over a number of years, accidents with fatal or serious consequenc­es for cyclists will continue to occur because our busy roads will never accommodat­e both cyclists and vehicles together, especially given the appalling attitudes of drivers towards those on cycles.

It is the reality of a most brutal selfservin­g sector of our community. Clive McNeill Northeast Valley

Court coverage

THE way the Otago Daily Times

reported the rape and violent attack on a woman by Daniel Moore is horrifying.

How many times must we, women and men, hear of the blatant justificat­ion and victim blaming in the reporting of these attacks, before we accept it is totally inappropri­ate to discuss them in this manner?

Your reporter’s reputation and that of your newspaper are similarly brought into disrepute.

Sarah Quinlan

Auckland [Abridged. The ODT stands by its reporting of the case. We have a duty to cover evidence presented by both the defence and the prosecutio­n in court. — Ed.] .................................

BIBLE READING: Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked. — Psalm 82:34.

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