Otago Daily Times

Heartening to see enlightene­d approach to school pupils ‘striking’


OVER 15 years ago, our daughter was a student in a junior class at Logan Park High School. During this time, the teachers were taking lowlevel industrial action which resulted in them suddenly leaving the classroom for a number of hours.

The students were being left generally to their own devices, but presumably under the care of a few nonstrikin­g teachers located within the school grounds.

After these walkouts had occurred several times, the junior students decided to take strike action of their own accord to protest against not being taught. Furthermor­e, to show they meant it, they followed it up by walking out of school to the Octagon.

The next day, after the teachers had positively identified the known student strikers, they were given detention. This was possibly, but most unlikely, for them to reflect on the severity of their escapade.

How times have changed in the intervenin­g years. Presentday students of Logan Park High School decided to go on strike to make known to the public the effects of climate change.

This time, coprincipa­l Kristan Mouat supported their strike action and further endorsed it by calling it, ‘‘student leadership’’ (ODT, 14.3.19). Much different to what it was called years ago as nothing short of student disobedien­ce. John Neilson


WELL done to the school students who organised and attended the ‘‘strike’’ in the Octagon.

They learned so much more preparing and participat­ing than they would have had they stayed in school. This was real education outside the classroom.

It was sobering to reflect that these are the people who will have to grapple with the effects of climate change. It was also proof that young people have the knowledge, the energy and the commitment to do their part and to push us all — individual­s, businesses, government­s — to do more to stop global warming.

Let’s heed that call. Thank you, young people. And don’t stop pushing. Ruth Chapman


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