Otago Daily Times

Issues over access to Stevensons Arm farm track


I TOO have been denied access to Stevensons Arm by Mr Burdon (ODT, 30.3.19).

At the time, he denied there was legal access. On being challenged, he changed his tune. He neverthele­ss denied me access to his farm track as he was lambing.

I asked again several weeks later. It turns out that Mr Burdon lambs year round.

Mr Burdon states that ‘‘it is not clear where the public access was. The problem is it goes right out through the middle of a paddock’’.

Clarity about the location could be easily resolved by QLDC employing a surveyor to mark out the legal access. Having done this, QLDC should then insist that Mr Burdon remove all the illegal structures (fences, for example) which obstruct access.

They might like to also recover rent for farming of the unformed road.

John Langley

Lake Hawea

[This letter was referred to Mt Burke Station owner Tim Burdon for comment, but no response was received.]

Waterfront plan

I HAVE a solution for providing safe, easy access to the waterfront for pedestrian­s and cyclists that would cost less than $20,000 and could be completed well before the next local government elections.

This is a level crossing across the railway tracks at Rattray St, next to the Chinese Garden.

A working bee could be arranged to remove the current fencing and landscape the crossing with native plants, seedlings sourced from the Town Belt.

I have checked the feasibilit­y of my idea with a shareholde­r of KiwiRail (myself) and have given the green light.

People may question the safety of a level crossing, but every Saturday morning hundreds of people cross the tracks at St Andrew St, without any issues, on their way to and from the Farmers’ Market.

Chris Bruce


BIBLE READING: On the third day he will be raised to life! — Matthew 20:19

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