Otago Daily Times

Sudan’s revolution firm — for now

- Gwynne Dyer is an independen­t London journalist.

IT’S moving fast now. For three months the protesters in Khartoum got nowhere with their demand that ‘‘the people want the fall of the regime’’, but recently they moved their protest to the real centre of power in Sudan, army headquarte­rs. On April 11 the army responded by arresting Omar alBashir, the brutal dictator who has ruled the country for the past 30 years.

The generals were only trying to save their own skins, of course. Defence Minister Ahmed Awad ibn Auf, who was being groomed to step into the 75yearold dictator’s shoes, just arrested Bashir and declared that he would lead an interim military council that would hold elections in . . . oh, let’s say two years.

It was so stupid it was almost funny. Auf didn’t even bother to talk to the protesters outside his headquarte­rs before making his announceme­nt, so they just ignored him and went on protesting.

The other generals clearly felt that Auf hadn’t quite grasped the seriousnes­s of the situation. The crowds were not going away, and some of the army’s own soldiers had fired on the regime’s hired thugs when they tried to harass the protesters. Time to change horses again.

So on April 12 they persuaded Auf to ‘‘resign’’, and made another general, AbdelFatta­h alBurhan, head of the interim military council instead.

Burhan had two advantages: he had gone out and talked to the protesters, and he didn’t actually face Internatio­nal Criminal Court charges or internatio­nal sanctions for genocide (as Bashir and Auf do).

To sweeten the pot, the military also forced Salah Gosh, head of the murderous and universall­y hated National

Intelligen­ce and Security Service, to resign. Surely the protesters would now see sense. All the generals really wanted was two years to destroy the evidence and top up their pension pots with stolen government funds before they went into exile.

No deal. When the crowds chanted ‘‘we want the fall of the regime’’, they really meant all of the regime. And then on Tuesday the African Union (AU) chimed in with a threat to suspend Sudan from the pan-African organisati­on if the military did not hand power over to the civilians within 15 days.

The AU is a different outfit from its corrupt and useless predecesso­r, the Organisati­on of African Unity (OAU). Despite a few stumbles, the AU has managed to establish a genuine moral authority in African politics, and enjoys a higher reputation than any other regional grouping except the European Union. When it tells African soldiers to stop meddling in politics, they sometimes do stop.

So it is reasonable to believe that we may soon see an all-civilian transition­al government in Khartoum. No twoyear transition, either. Three months to prepare a free election, six months tops. But then the real problems start.

It’s axiomatic that nonviolent democratic revolution­s like this one inherit huge economic problems. If there weren’t such problems, most people would not be out in the streets protesting.

Sudan lost threequart­ers of its oil income when South Sudan broke away and took most of the oilfields with it eight years ago, and there’s really not much else to sustain Sudan’s 43 million people. Agricultur­e could help if there were not massive corruption, but this is a country with millions of hectares of unexploite­d potential farmland where the price of bread has tripled in the past three months.

The soaring cost of food is what finally set off the revolution in Sudan, just as it set off most of those other attempted revolution­s in the ‘‘Arab Spring’’ eight years ago. Only one of the six Arab countries that started down that road in 2011 is both democratic and at peace today, and it certainly feels as if the odds are also stacked against Sudan.

The generals will probably make a deal now that the AU has come out against them. If they are wise, they will throw a few more of their senior colleagues to the wolves (including Burhan, who has worked closely with another of the regime’s murderous paramilita­ry groups, the Rapid Support Forces, once known as the Janjaweed). Then they will withdraw and wait.

The Sudanese Profession­als Associatio­n, which leads the protests, is clever and discipline­d, but once in power it will have to take deeply unpopular decisions to rescue the economy from its current paralysis. The Islamists, betrayed and sidelined by their former ally Bashir, will start coming out of the woodwork again.

And a year or two from now, when everybody is thoroughly disillusio­ned by continuing economic hardship and political chaos, the military will try to take back control, just as it did in Egypt. Its success is not guaranteed, but it will have the full backing of Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. It is, alas, a likely outcome.

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Sudanese health workers take part in a protest march to the defence ministry in Khartoum earlier this month.
PHOTO: REUTERS Sudanese health workers take part in a protest march to the defence ministry in Khartoum earlier this month.
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