Otago Daily Times

There are many ways we can vote with feet


YOUR editorial (ODT, 18.4.19) admonished the Otago Regional Council over its probable inability to adequately conduct future water consents and the secrecy under which a review capability report, that it commission­ed, has been held.

You conclude your editorial with the statement that ‘‘Otago ratepayers will get to decide other matters for themselves next election’’ then strangely state ‘‘and can vote with their feet in October’’.

Do you mean by ‘‘vote with their feet’’ that the ratepayers of Otago should assemble all of the ORC and give them a good kicking for not being able to fulfill their water consents responsibi­lities?

Or do you mean that Otago ratepayers should run far away from the polling booths on election day, so that an Otago Regional Council cannot be elected and their responsibi­lities would be handed over to the Dunedin City Council and there would then be no need for an expensive new Regional Council building to be constructe­d?

Or do you really mean that Otago ratepayers will get to decide other matters for themselves next election, and can vote ‘‘accordingl­y at the polling booth’’? Trevor Croot


Queenstown Airport

TO relocate the Queenstown Airport (ODT, 16.4.19) to the vicinity of Tarras would be madness.

Most of the passengers have Queenstown as their destinatio­n. As a result, the volume of traffic using the awful Kawerau Gorge road, which already is a nightmare due to its narrowness and extreme windiness, would reach intolerabl­e — and very dangerous — levels.

This illconceiv­ed proposal should be canned forthwith. B. Swale

Clyde ...................................

BIBLE READING: Jesus said to her, ‘‘I am the resurrecti­on and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.’’ — John 11:25.

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