Otago Daily Times

Ministry method of measuring demand questioned


THE Ministry of Health does not have an appropriat­e way to estimate the demand for colonoscop­y, University of Otago epidemiolo­gist and screening authority Associate Prof Brian Cox says.

He questioned why there had been no detailed audit of the possibly spurious methods being used which he said was fundamenta­l before they were used in any monitoring capacity.

Prof Cox was commenting on the ministry’s answers, released under the Official Informatio­n Act, to questions posed about the number of colonoscop­ies district health boards were expected to deliver in the year to the end of June 2018.

Southern DHB’s figures showed that in the same year as the board began bowel screening, it delivered 653 fewer colonoscop­ies than the 3644 it was expected to deliver.

However, population health and prevention deputy director general Deborah Woodley said it could not be assumed the board had ‘‘underdeliv­ered’’ because the model used to determine the numbers for each board, based on standardis­ed interventi­on rates, was ‘‘a guide rather than a highly accurate predictor of the number of colonoscop­ies that would be performed in any given population’’.

With this system, each board population is standardis­ed to take into account age, ethnicity, deprivatio­n and sex.

(The figures are only for colonoscop­ies performed on symptomati­c patients and do not include those from the bowel screening programme. To the end of June this year, SDHB had completed 887 colonoscop­ies since joining the programme in April last year.)

The total number of interventi­ons/colonoscop­ies is estimated across the country and then each DHB is given its expected proportion. The figures for the year to June 2018 showed nine of the 20 DHBs had not delivered their expected numbers.

Ms Woodley said this did not indicate whether the total number for the country was the ‘‘right’’ number, nor did the methods boards used for accepting referral for colonoscop­y.

There could also be a variation in how boards classified colonoscop­ies.

‘‘This is just one tool a DHB can use to assess demand and rates of delivery. It is important these figures are not used in isolation to form assumption­s about patient access.’’

Other considerat­ions included a board’s knowledge of local needs, demands for specific services and the contributi­on of the private health market in their population.

There would always be variation across the country, in line with different population mix and pressures.

‘‘With finite resources it is important that DHBs prioritise their resources so they can best support those patients with the greatest level of need and potential to benefit from assessment and/or treatment.’’

This variabilit­y in the DHB data covering all colonoscop­ies, medical, surgical, inpatient and outpatient had led to the developmen­t of colonoscop­y wait time indicators (CWTI). These were purely a measure of outpatient colonoscop­y services, she said.

This CWTI data, published monthly, was included in the readiness assessment that was undertaken before a DHB could join the bowel screening programme.

It had always been made very clear that the provision of timely colonoscop­y services, for both symptomati­c patients and bowel screening participan­ts, was a key component for the safe delivery of the National Bowel Screening Programme (NBSP) she said.

CWTI figures released last month show that for April, May and June this year, Southern District Health Board did not meet the standard that 90% of those accepted for an urgent colonoscop­y receive the procedure in 14 days or less. In April the percentage was 88.9%, in May 87.5% and June 88.2%. Waiting times set for nonurgent colonoscop­ies and surveillan­ce colonoscop­ies were met.

Prof Cox said with the degree of variation between DHBs unknown, regarding how they classified colonoscop­ies, the CWTI tables provided little capacity to monitor DHB capability to keep up with screening demand.

‘‘As appears to have been the case in the SDHB, greatly restrictin­g access to the point that patients suffer delayed diagnosis of bowel cancer possibly leading to unnecessar­y death, increases the proportion having their urgent colonoscop­y within the target.’’

Urgent cases which were denied colonoscop­y were excluded from the denominato­r for the CWTI calculatio­n but should be added, he said.

The CWTI tables do not include numbers of people referred for colonoscop­y and denied it.

Commenting on a letter to the ODT this week from former ministry chief medical adviser David Geddis suggesting that interventi­on rates for colonoscop­y were better in Southern than in Canterbury, Prof Cox produced spreadshee­ts compiled from ministry data for five years (each to the end of September). They covered all public colonoscop­ies, including those undertaken in the NBSP.

They showed that the adjusted colonoscop­y rates for Southern were below Canterbury in 2015, 2016 and 2017 and only slightly exceeded Canterbury last year, due to increased referrals from bowel screening, which began earlier that year. Canterbury has not yet joined the programme.

‘‘In addition, the private sector in the SDHB region probably provides fewer colonoscop­ies than the Canterbury region, so the relative colonoscop­y rate is likely to be lower than appears from the comparison of public hospital rates,’’ Prof Cox said.

❛ It is important these figures are not used in isolation to form assumption­s about patient access

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