Otago Daily Times

Landlord fined for longleakin­g roof

- DAISY HUDSON daisy.hudson@odt.co.nz

LJ Hooker has been forced to fork out more than $2000 after failing to fix a leaking roof in a student flat for 29 weeks.

The five tenants of 162 Dundas St took their landlord, LJ Hooker, to the Tenancy Tribunal over issues with their flat.

According to a recently released tribunal decision, the main problem was a leak through a crack in the lounge ceiling, which they advised the landlord of via text message on February 16.

They had to use containers to catch the drips, and at one stage had to move furniture around which had become wet after they were away during a university term break.

The tenants also submitted there were other issues during the tenancy, such as the oven having to be replaced, a vent having to be cleared out, rodent problems and the dryer having to be fixed twice.

The leak was not fixed until September 6, and the tenants believed the damp led to ‘‘the numerous health issues suffered by all of them’’.

The landlord submitted the leak was due to a problem with the roof, which was initially repaired on February 27 and subsequent­ly patched a further three times.

New steel roofing was installed over the problem area on August 30.

The leak finally stopped after spouting repairs were completed on September 6.

The tenants wanted compensati­on for the stress, health issues and medical expenses incurred over the time the roof leaked.

The tribunal found the landlord committed an unlawful act by failing to maintain the roof and dryer in reasonable states of repair, and awarded $2040 in compensati­on.

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