Otago Daily Times

Anarchy in the Northern Territory


SYDNEY: The industrial­ists, as they term themselves, of Darwin have again attempted to overthrow the Government there. The committee of these revolution­aries demanded that the Director of the Territory (Mr

Carey) and his staff should abdicate and leave by the first steamer. Meanwhile, it is reported that warships are hurrying to Darwin. The Government cannot, of course, submit to the usurpation of its powers by this Northern Territory ‘‘Soviet’’, and endorse such usurpation by allowing their objective to be achieved. The

Territory — whose population comprises 2000 mixed whites and a few thousand of assorted colours — has for long had an unenviable reputation as the scene of perpetual irritating and purposeles­s strikes, and latterly of deliberate assaults on authority. The present affair is a sequel to the attack on the late Administra­tor (Dr Gilruth) last December. On that occasion several hundred industrial stalwarts surrounded Dr Gilruth’s residence and demanded point blank that he should either account to them for his administra­tion or leave Darwin that day. The next stage in the Territory’s history is that the Commonweal­th appointed a Director (Mr Carey) to take the place of the Administra­tor, and establishe­d a council in which two seats were given to the official and two to the unofficial class, while the chair was filled by the Director. The official members and the industrial members could never agree, and, finally, the latter refused to attend its meetings. Then there was this latest eruption of

the mob; again law was defied; again the officials were told that they must resign forthwith. Matters are in a chaotic state at present. Lawlessnes­s prevails, and no jury will convict. Many business people have had to close down. The industrial­ists will, if things go on as now, soon find their own occupation gone, for they are rapidly killing the goose that has been providing the golden egg.

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