Otago Daily Times

Regional councillor­s sworn in, welcomed


COUNCILLOR­S who are to represent their communitie­s at Environmen­t Southland were sworn in yesterday, three new faces joining the old.

Nicol Horrell was reelected as chairman for a second term, and said in a prepared speech, ‘‘water quality will remain at the forefront of our endeavours’’.

Cr Lloyd McCallum was also reelected as deputy chairman.

The councillor­s about to be sworn in received gifts from the local Extinction Rebellion group as they entered the building, such as bottles of ‘‘fresh’’ locally sourced water, posters of endangered species and small jars containing a figurine with its head stuck in sand, a reference to the previous council’s vote on not declaring a climate emergency.

A karakia began the meeting, and proceeding­s were led by chief executive Rob Phillips until the chairman was voted in.

Councillor­s could either make their declaratio­n in English or te reo Maori. Only one councillor chose the latter, Cr Robert Guyton stating he believed Maori language should be spoken more in the council chamber.

The first full council meeting was set for December 11.

Members of council committees were also selected, along with each chairman.

They are: strategy and policy committee, Eric Roy; regional services committee, Jeremy McPhail; regulatory committee, Neville Cook; organisati­onal performanc­e and audit committee, Lyndal Ludlow; South Port subcommitt­ee, David Stevens; regional transport committee, Lloyd McCallum; Southland Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, Neville Cook. laura.smith@alliedpres­s.co.nz

 ?? PHOTO: LAURA SMITH ?? Councillor­s were greeted sy the local Extinction Resellion group in Invercargi­ll as they made their way into the inaugural Environmen­t Qouthland meeting yesterday.
PHOTO: LAURA SMITH Councillor­s were greeted sy the local Extinction Resellion group in Invercargi­ll as they made their way into the inaugural Environmen­t Qouthland meeting yesterday.

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