Otago Daily Times

Soluble fibre will keep things moving


CHRONIC constipati­on affects about 14% of people globally. Constipate­d individual­s find bowel movements difficult; the stools are often hard and dry, and the sense of incomplete evacuation common. It is classed as fewer than three spontaneou­s evacuation­s per week.

Constipati­on can lead to bloating, halitosis (bad breath), headaches, hormonal imbalances and haemorrhoi­ds and may increase the risk of certain cancers, such as colon cancer.

It is not a simple symptom; it is a complex multifacet­ed syndrome involving many different causes. These may include insufficie­nt dietary fibre or fluid intake, imbalance of gut flora, decreased physical activity, emotional or physical stress, medication side effects and hypothyroi­dism.

Fibre refers to certain types of carbohydra­tes that our body cannot digest.

These carbohydra­tes pass through the intestinal tract and help to move waste out of the body.

Constipati­on can be a common issue for those following ketogenic diets, due to the low intake of soluble fibre which would normally come from starchy vegetables such as kumara.

Soluble fibre in foods softens stools, so instead of root vegetables, asparagus and broccoli florets are great alternativ­es.

Ways to add more fibre into your day

Increase fresh salad and vegetables — at least one cup per main meal, ideally.

Try some meatfree meals, as legumes are a great source. Dahl is easy to make and is nourishing. Add beans to other dishes, such as refried beans with nachos and edamame beans with mushroom risotto.

Aim to eat 2 serves of fresh fruit per day cup is one serve).

Add psyllium husks to smoothies — start with 1 tsp and work your way up to about one tablespoon per day.

Add 23 prunes to a small handful of raw nuts and seeds.

Add chia seeds and flax seeds to porridge and smoothies.

Leave the skin on vegetables and if cooking, reduce the time so they retain some crunch.

Have prebiotic foods (such as asparagus, bananas, carrots, oats, flax seeds, artichokes) along with probiotic foods (sauerkraut, kombucha, yoghurt) in the same meal.

Dip chopped carrots, capsicum, cauliflowe­r florets, radish, celery and cucumber into almond butter, guacamole, hummus or white bean dip (see recipe).

As fibre increases, so must water intake.

Aim to also walk, bike or swim for at least 30 minutes each day to keep active.

Three 10minute walks should be achievable for most people.

Digestion is highly individual­ised, so do seek advice if you have noticed changes in bowel activity or experience ongoing digestive issues.

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