Otago Daily Times

$11.9m for Chain Hills cycle tunnel

- EMMA PERRY emma.perry@odt.co.nz

A MULTIMILLI­ONDOLLAR cycleway linking Dunedin and Mosgiel is a step closer.

The Tunnels Trail project has been designated as a major project by the Dunedin City Council, connecting Wingatui to Kaikorai Valley Rd.

The budget for the project, which incorporat­es the decommissi­oned Chain Hills rail tunnel, has been given $11.9 million.

Dunedin Tunnels Trail project manager Rhys Stickings, from Octa Associates, was appointed to the project in August last year.

He said the project would be part of $23 million divided between several cycleway projects across the city.

The DCC 10yearplan from 2018 to 2028 included the Tunnels Trail project.

Neither the timeline for the project nor the final forecasted cost of the project were known as this stage, Mr Stickings said.

As the project had been designated as a major project by the DCC it was being supported by the DCC Programme Management Office, which would ensure delivery of the project was successful.

‘‘The tunnels trail project will shortly be going out to tender for designers and business case writers.

‘‘This is to formalise the design and costings so the stages can be linked.’’

A project brief had been completed by the DCC transport team and was awaiting approval from council executives before proceeding to the ‘‘initiation phase’’, he said.

‘‘The initiation phase is where the business case, project baseline plan and project management plan are formalised alongside cost reports, the concept design and delivery strategy. ’’

Mr Stickings said the next step was for the scope of works to be issued for designers, business case writers and quantity surveyors.

Once they were appointed, the concept design and costings would be finalised and the Chain Hill tunnel investigat­ed.

He said the project management plan would then be released, and a project baseline plan created.

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