Otago Daily Times

MPs must work together in the best interests of our nation


WITH the pace things are moving in New Zealand at the moment, the adage ‘‘a week is a long time in politics’’ seems woefully inadequate.

Seven days ago, Parliament was due to sit next week and consider such important matters as the Gas

(Informatio­n Disclosure and Penalties) Amendment Bill.

Instead, Parliament this week effectivel­y legislated itself out of a job for at least a month, adjourning until April 28 in arguably the most extraordin­ary day in New Zealand political history.

National Dunedin list MP Michael Woodhouse was one of the few MPs to make Wednesday’s special emergency session — in line with Level 4 strictures, those MPs who did not need to be in Wellington were at home or on their way there.

Mr Woodhouse — now back inside his bubble in Dunedin — said the House was in a sombre mood on Wednesday, the usual banter across the chamber between MPs either forced or dispensed with entirely.

With noone in the public gallery and few journalist­s present in the press gallery, speeches echoed through a largely empty debating chamber, adding to the sense that this was very much not business as usual.

Mr Woodhouse described the two hours it took to undo our usual system of government and authorise $52 billion worth of spending, the largest appropriat­ion outside of a Budget in the country’s history, as a ‘‘rocking chair moment’’ — a story he will tell his grandchild­ren in years to come.

Occasional­ly in Parliament you have those days where you know everything that is happening is of historic moment.

This was one of those days, and all MPs treated it with due gravity — including National leader Simon Bridges, whose contributi­on was much more in keeping with the prevailing mood than his response the week before in the debate on the Government’s financial response to Covid19.

As foreshadow­ed in last week’s Southern Say, the Government moved to bring the Opposition in to the ongoing all of nation effort to fight Covid19.

The chosen mechanism, a special Covid19 select committee to be chaired by Mr Bridges, meets for the first time on Tuesday.

Twothirds of its membership will be Opposition MPs, and onethird supplied from the Government.

That compositio­n will provide a valuable check and balance on the sweeping powers the Prime Minister and others now have during the state of national emergency we are now in and she was right to welcome that when she announced further details on Thursday.

The committee’s first meeting will decide its agenda and sitting programme, and be a test run for the technology needed to run a committee meeting from 11 separate locations — it is expected MPs will meet remotely.

While not for a moment dismissing the herculean efforts of the Government in how it has dealt with the Covid19 crisis so far, it was National which declared the country’s only other state of national emergency, which followed the Canterbury earthquake.

National is likely to have Mr Woodhouse as health spokesman and Paul Goldsmith as finance spokesman permanentl­y on the committee, as well as Act leader David Seymour.

A rolling cast of other National MPs will be called upon if the topic for the day’s discussion is within their responsibi­lities.

Many of those MPs were in Cabinet in 2011 and will be familiar with the needs of an emergency situation, and the unpredicta­ble and everchangi­ng nature of what a crisis demands.

Government representa­tives on the committee are yet to be named, but Green Party coleader Marama Davidson and New Zealand First deputy leader Fletcher Tabuteau are expected to represent their parties.

As a Minister Dunedin North MP David Clark cannot be on the committee, but with health and finance responsibi­lities he will no doubt be seeing plenty of it as it goes about its work.

Whoever the 11 — or more — are, they have a weighty responsibi­lity.

Parliament is not usually compulsory, or even compelling, viewing for most New Zealanders, but with four or more weeks of lockdown to endure, the doings of the Covid19 committee, which are expected to be broadcast, may attract a wide viewership.

At this time, New Zealanders want and need to see their MPs work together for the common good.

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Extraordin­ary measures . . . Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern declares a State of National Emergency to fight Covid19 before a nationwide lockdown at Parliament this week.
PHOTO: REUTERS Extraordin­ary measures . . . Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern declares a State of National Emergency to fight Covid19 before a nationwide lockdown at Parliament this week.
 ??  ?? Michael Woodhouse
Michael Woodhouse
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