Otago Daily Times

Tough times ahead for accommodat­ion providers


AS a motel operator of 22 years in the Catlins, I am interested in B. Thompson’s solution (Letters, 24.3.20) to the sudden slump in tourism driven by the necessary closure of the borders, and now a countrywid­e lockdown.

Yes, we could offer a discount to entice visitors back to the area — when, exactly? In a month, six months or a year?

As of today, forward bookings sit at zero. For those who don’t understand, our business has disappeare­d for the health of the nation.

Operating on the basis of ‘‘you make some dollars per stay’’ after commission­s, advertisin­g, utilities, linen, consumable­s, insurance and wages, it is hard.

Motels are not too dissimilar to farmers and many others in business. Pricetaker­s, not pricesette­rs — your potential guests are free to go somewhere cheaper, and often they do.

A question I often pose to potential customers that want to haggle is, in your employment/business, would you discount for me if the tables were turned?

So, B. Thompson, do you remember December 1998? I do. It was a time just like today when we had no bookings and were just starting in business. How time flies.

Trevor Hewson Catlins Gateway Motels

A FAMILY member returned from an American state late yesterday afternoon (22.3.20), arriving at Auckland Internatio­nal Airport at 6pm.

He had to queue in a slowmoving line then was asked a whole series of questions which resulted in him missing his connecting flight to Dunedin.

A hotel was arranged. He had to catch a public bus to get there with other internatio­nal passengers, noone isolated.

This morning (23.3.20), he was crammed into a bus and taken back to the airport. He chose to stand because the person beside him was coughing and blowing their nose.

At the airport, he bought a can of drink — grabbed by the top, so he requested to have it washed — and the cooked breakfast was handled by three people before he got it (at their departure airport in America, all food places were shut down).

On boarding the flight to Dunedin, security unnecessar­ily touched his phone and handles of bags, transferri­ng germs from one article to the next without sanitising between handling.

Aboard the plane, everyone was crammed in the front of a thirdfull plane despite passengers asking to be seated apart but not allowed to.

On arriving home, he has to selfisolat­e for 14 days — isn’t it a bit late for that?

Name withheld by request

MY husband and I returned from overseas on Sunday.

We would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who helped us get back home, starting with our travel agent, Jenny Galliven at

Travel Brokers, who quickly and efficientl­y organised our flights, and all the Air New Zealand, security and Customs staff we encountere­d on our way.

We were treated with courtesy and kindness at every step of the way.

The same can be said of the people we have encountere­d on the phone as we set up our selfisolat­ion.

Thank you.

Yan Campbell and Richard Mahoney

Shiel Hill

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