Otago Daily Times

Johnson rules out quick action on lockdown Splendid isolation


LONDON: Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, back at work after recovering from Covid19, said yesterday it was still too dangerous to relax a stringent lockdown hammering the economy as that may cause a deadly second outbreak.

Speaking outside his Downing Street residence a month and a day since testing positive for the virus which threatened his life, Johnson compared the disease to a street criminal that the British people had wrestled to the floor.

Stressing it was still a time of maximum risk, he said he understood the concerns of business and would consult with opposition parties, but he made clear that there was to be no swift lifting of the lockdown.

‘‘We simply cannot spell out now how fast or slow or even when those changes will be made, though clearly the Government will be saying much more about this in the coming days,’’ Johnson said, looking healthy again.

‘‘If we can show the same spirit of unity and determinat­ion as we’ve all shown in the past six weeks then I have absolutely no doubt that we will beat it.’’

Johnson’s Government, party and scientific advisers are divided over how and when the world’s fifthlarge­st economy should start returning to work, even in limited form.

‘‘We must also recognise the risk of a second spike, the risk of losing control of that virus and letting the reproducti­on rate go back over one because that would mean not only a new wave of death and disease but also an economic disaster,’’ he said.

‘‘I ask you to contain your impatience because I believe we are coming now to the end of the first phase of this conflict and in spite of all the suffering we have so nearly succeeded.’’

The United Kingdom is one of the worsthit nations, and more than 20,732 hospital deaths had been reported as of yesterday.

But the most stringent lockdown in peacetime has left the economy facing possibly the deepest recession in three centuries and the biggest debt splurge since World War 2.

At the start of the outbreak, Johnson initially resisted imposing a draconian lockdown but then changed course when projection­s showed a quarter of a million people could die.

Since the lockdown was imposed on March 23, his Government has faced criticism from opposition parties and some doctors for initially delaying the lockdown, limited testing capabiliti­es, and lack of protective equipment for health workers.

Opposition Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer urged Johnson to set out when and how an economic and social lockdown might be eased, as did some Conservati­ve Party donors.

‘‘Simply acting as if this discussion is not happening is not credible,’’ Starmer wrote in a letter to Johnson.

Johnson is expected to announce plans for how the lockdown could be eased as early as this week, the Daily Telegraph reported.

The United Kingdom has the fifthworst death toll in the world, after the United States, Italy, Spain and France. — Reuters

 ??  ?? Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson
 ??  ?? Keir Starmer
Keir Starmer

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