Otago Daily Times

World developmen­ts



The UK government has decided not to join an EU coronaviru­s vaccine scheme because of concerns there could be costly delays in securing the vaccines, The Telegraph reported. Twentysix Irish pubs face possible prosecutio­n and risk losing their licences over potential Covid19 public health breaches, Irish police said. Slovakia reported its biggest daily jump in new infections since April 22 in a jolt to a country with one of the fewest Covid19 infections and deaths in Europe so far.


Bolivia’s President Jeanine Anez and Venezuelan socialist party leader Diosdado Cabello have tested positive for Covid19.

Keeping schools closed in the coming academic year is a greater risk to children’s health than reopening them, Robert Redfield, director of the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, said.

Mexico yesterday posted a record for new coronaviru­s cases on a single day, with 7280 cases, bringing its overall tally of infections to 282,283. The country also recorded 730 fatalities, bringing its overall death toll to 33,526.

The beaches in Brazil’s tourist hot spot of Rio de Janeiro will not reopen until there is a vaccine for Covid19, Mayor Marcelo Crivella said.


Singaporea­ns wearing masks and gloves have cast their ballots under the cloud of the pandemic.

Hong Kong’s Education Bureau yesterday announced the suspension of all schools from Monday after a spike in locally transmitte­d Covid19 cases.


African countries must carry out more testing and make people use masks, a regional disease control body said as cases topped half a million in the continent.

Morocco extended an emergency decree until August 10 giving local authoritie­s leeway in taking restrictiv­e response measures.

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