Otago Daily Times

Joyce criticises Curran’s attack on journalist­s


A FORMER Cabinet minister has criticised Dunedin MP Clare Curran for taking aim at media in her valedictor­y speech, saying it is ‘‘naive’’ to expect the Fourth Estate to ‘‘gloss over’’ issues.

Former ‘‘minister for everything’’ Steven Joyce lamented on NewstalkZB yesterday the negative parting words of so many politician­s leaving Parliament this term.

‘‘The whole idea of the valedictor­y is to reflect on your time, show a bit of the human side you normally don’t get to show in all the speeches you make, thank the people who have supported you and generally leave the place on a good note.

‘‘It just seems it’s a pity that [Ms Curran’s speech] seems the bookend on somebody’s political career, because it is a tough life and you think, well, maybe you should walk out the door with a smile on your face.’’

Dumped Cabinet minister Ms Curran used her valedictor­y speech to lash out at the media.

‘‘Politician­s and the news media focus on conflict, perceived or real slipups rather than substance in the quality of ideas,’’ the Dunedin MP told Parliament in her final speech on Tuesday.

Mr Joyce, though, took issue with Ms Curran’s attack on the media, saying it was ‘‘naive’’ to expect the Fourth Estate to ‘‘gloss over’’ issues.

He also feared cheating by politician­s was being ‘‘weaponised’’, and said those levelling accusation­s and exposing the actions needed to press pause.

‘‘I think some of it has crossed the line because everyone is human,’’ Mr Joyce said.

‘‘Nobody is perfect and there’s aspects of everybody’s lives that they’re not proud of. I would just say to the people that bring these things up . . . ‘let’s just take a breath’.’’

With sacked Labour Cabinet minister Iain LeesGallow­ay using his valedictor­y speech to apologise to his wife and family after an office affair ended his political career a fortnight ago, Mr Joyce said we had entered disturbing territory.

‘‘There’s probably not a lot of benefit if a truck driver misbehaves, but unfortunat­ely people are starting to use that sort of thing as a political weapon. That is a problem,’’ he said.

He said it was very easy to attack individual­s without considerin­g their families who were affected by the publicity.

It was to important to focus on the job politician­s were doing above everything else, he said.

While working away from home came with challenges, Mr Joyce said many who worked under similar conditions were not subject to the same level of media critique.

‘‘ . . . it’s probably like any job where you are working away from home three or four days a week for the whole year. The difference is probably that there’s not 30 or 40 journalist­s camped outside your door the entire time and ready to keep scrutiny on you. That is the unusual aspect of the job.’’

The former minister, who retired at the last election, revealed it was vital to be surrounded by key people you trusted in your home electorate in order to keep grounded.

He said it would be great to have more people in Parliament who had ‘‘had a life’’ before becoming a politician.

‘‘If you’ve managed an organisati­on, that’s very helpful if you should become a minister.’’ — The New Zealand Herald

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