Otago Daily Times

General knowledge crossword



1. Execution platform on which a condemned person is killed (6)

5. Person with a record of success (8) 9. Someone who makes or sells hats (8)

10. TV medical comedy-drama series set in Sacred Heart teaching hospital (6)

11. Amedeo Clemente ___ (1884-1920), Italian painter and sculptor (10)

12. Frans __ : Dutch painter whose work included The Laughing Cavalier (4)

13. British/American TV sitcom starring Matt Le Blanc and Tamsin Greig (8)

16. Dam on the Colorado River (6)

17. Greek virgin goddess of the hearth and home, sister of Zeus (6)

19. Someone who marries one person while still legally married to another (8)

21. Catherine __, last of the six wives of Henry VIII (4)

22. Children’s story by Roald Dahl, published in 1983 (3,7)

25. __ Sebastian Bach, German composer born 1685 (6)

26. 1963 suspense/horror film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, starring Tippi Hedren (3,5) 27. Rock formed from fine volcanic ash (8) 28. Status given to higher-ranked players or teams in a sports competitio­n (6)


2. __ Jones (1573-1652), one of England’s first great architects of the modern age (5)

3. Curry dish cooked and served in a flatbottom­ed pot (5)

4. “Oh what a __ web we weave, when first we practice to deceive’: Sir Walter Scott (7)

5. Safety devices first introduced to cars in the 1970s (7) 6. Purified resinous extract of the hemp plant (7)

7. Elongated, soft-bodied creature that helps aerate soil (9) 8. Morticians who treat corpses with preservati­ves (9)

14. 2010 American science-fiction action film starring Adrien Brody, directed by Nimrod Antal (9)

15. “___ child works hard for his living”: traditiona­l poem (9) 18. Title character in Shakespear­e’s The Merchant of Venice (7) 19. “Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all ___ the same air”: John F Kennedy (7)

20. Leggings made from cloth or leather, covering from knee to ankle (7)

23. South American country that achieved independen­ce from Spain in 1818 (5)

24. Jack Russell terrier who starred in the American sitcom Frasier (5)

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