Otago Daily Times

Hearing panel was mere rubberstam­ping exercise


I WHOLEHEART­EDLY endorse Mr Rabbitt’s view (Letters, 25.8.20).

The decision reached by the hearing panel was a fait accompli and merely rubberstam­ped the Central Otago District Council applicatio­n to change the nature of the reserve land.

I attended the panel hearing as a golf club member, ratepayer and Clyde resident.

The chairman disregarde­d a petition signed by over 200 concerned citizens opposing the CODC applicatio­n, because it was over the required 150 words.

Surely, natural justice would dictate such views be taken into account.

The chairman took an extremely cavalier attitude in what he deemed relevant, and at one point stated the starting point for the CODC was make a decision regarding the pump station and subsequent reclassifi­cation of land thereby affording the affected parties grounds for their submission­s — decision then consultati­on visavis consultati­on then decision.

Of the panel members, one member recused himself and the other contribute­d a few words endorsing the chairman’s decision.

The chairman, being judge, jury and executione­r, made his final decision to endorse the CODC applicatio­n in under three minutes, and one wonders if the panel were late for afternoon tea.

If this is an indication of the way the CODC and hearing panels operate in view of processes and protocols, God help us all.

Kim McDonald

Clyde .................................

BIBLE READING: Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise. — Ephesians 5.15.

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