Otago Daily Times

Cryptic crossword



1. In a way one can hear by one dual version (7)

4. Illness she’s acquired as she changes colour (7)

8. Way to run to work when among the French (4)

9. ‘For he himself has said it, And it’s greatly to his credit, That he is an ___’ (WS Gilbert) (10)

11. Be abject as lover turning head of girl to begin with (6) 12. Wastes time and money on things fried? (8)

14. Passing train sent packing (9)

15. Suave leader of lutenists in the orchestra (5)

17. The rule one might ignore, nothing less (5)

18. A name for Oliver Cromwell, Sir, on changing side (9)

19. Full rugby player to let go of part of the scenery (4-4)

21. Counsel evildoing, following advertisem­ent (6)

23. Complete reversal of direction of run and tour? (10)

24. Gull, as when taking in United Kingdom in reverse (4)

25. Cloths for shredded suet held by doctors (7)

26. Meet Rex unfortunat­ely, at the very outside (7)


1. It’s all one to Georgia: rocky height is for the reptile (9) 2. CD – before compact disc was invented! (10,5)

3. Pull, as will a Tibetan ox around the North (4)

4. Flit about with one’s share of the purificati­on process (10) 5. Rattled by getting set up in the wrong order (5)

6. With which to beat and cut a Soviet emblem (6,3,6) 7. Which is Solomon’s Song of them? (5)

10. How to decrease is soundly taught (6)

13. Punctuatio­n marks the break-up of non-u column Ossie edited (10)

15. Be on the team in addition (6)

16. Would do anything for speed: tear about (9)

19. Such breath as a (bad) debt may be awaited with? (5) 20. Francis got his bird (5)

22. Joint inclusion of the Northeast by half of Kent (4)

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