Otago Daily Times

Still plenty to play for in final roundrobin fixtures


FORTUNE may favour the bold this Saturday in final games of round-robin play, with two teams fighting for the fourth position in the semifinals next week.

It will be make-or-break for Physed B, which is currently holding down fourth position, but it faces top-of-the-table College A, which is yet to drop a game this season. The other team in contention is St Hilda’s, which is just one point adrift of Physed B in fifth place.

St Hilda’s take on Physed C this week, and should the school team win, then it is likely to overtake Physed B and claim the final semifinal spot.

St Hilda’s have the advantage, going into its match against Physed B, as the only team to have continued playing during the two week hiatus for the University holidays, and buoyed by having won the Otago Southland Senior Secondary School Tournament last weekend.

The three teams already locked into the top four are College A, Southern Magpies and Physed A.

College A, are likely to remain top of the table unless Physed B can pull off an upset win. While Southern Magpies and Physed A will play each other in a match that will decide second and third positions.

The other match-up is between the two teams at the bottom of the table where South Pacific Titans A will play University Albion A. Neither team has won a game this season and are only separated by a bonus point University Albion A earned in its match against Physed B in the last round.

As the country is still in Alert Level 2, Dunedin Netball and the Edgar Centre are operating under significan­t restrictio­ns, so no spectators are permitted this week. There will be a number of games live streamed on the Dunedin Netball Facebook page allowing netball fans to get their fix this Saturday.

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