Otago Daily Times

Jordan cracks down on large events


AMMAN: Jordan announced on Thursday jail sentences of up to a year for anyone organising weddings, parties, funerals or social gatherings where more than 20 people attend, in the latest measures aimed at heading off a resurgence in Covid19 cases.

Government spokesman Amjad Adailah said the latest orders, which stem from an emergency law enacted by the monarch last April that gives the Government sweeping

Victoria’s hotel quarantine inquiry on Thursday.

The exchange revealed the Department of Premier and Cabinet may have played a role in the decision to use private powers to curb civic rights, would be strictly enforced.

‘‘This order is to prevent the violations that have led to the spread of the virus and increase in infections,’’ Adailah said, adding that hefty fines would be imposed.

Health Minister Saad Jaber blamed the surge in cases in the past few weeks on ‘‘irresponsi­ble’’ behaviour at weddings and social gatherings where many mingled without masks and social distancing.

security guards.

In his written statement, Ashton was not sure whose idea it was to use private security guards but said it was not his. He suggested it was Department of

The kingdom reported 279 new cases of Covid19 on Thursday, its highest daily increase since the start of the pandemic;in total there have been 4131 cases, with 26 deaths.

The authoritie­s also suspended schools for two weeks as of Thursday for more than 2 million pupils after dozens of cases were discovered among teachers and students since schools reopened at the start of the month after a fivemonth absence. — Reuters

Premier and Cabinet secretary Chris Eccles who made the recommenda­tion about 1.20pm on March 27, just minutes before his text message exchange with Kershaw. The premier has been

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