Otago Daily Times

Does the key to antiageing lie in our bones?


❛ The idea that bone is just a simple organ that’s separated from everything else as a mineralise­d tissue, and that doesn’t communicat­e — that’s changed. [Gerard] Karsenty has ushered in the idea that bone is involved in communicat­ing with other

tissues in the body that wasn’t really understood or investigat­ed before

Johns Hopkins Centre for Musculoske­letal Research professor of orthopaedi­c surgery Thomas Clemens

GERARD Karsenty was a young scientist trying to make a name for himself in the early 1990s when he first stumbled upon a finding that would go on to transform our understand­ing of bone, and the role it plays in our body.

Karsenty had become interested in osteocalci­n, one of the most abundant proteins in bone. He suspected that it played a crucial role in bone remodellin­g — the process by which our bones continuous­ly remove and create new tissue — which enables us to grow during childhood and adolescenc­e, and also recover from injuries.

Intending to study this, he conducted a genetic knockout experiment, removing the gene responsibl­e for osteocalci­n from mice. However, to his dismay, his mutant mice did not appear to have any obvious bone defects at all.

‘‘For him, it was initially a total failure,’’ says Mathieu Ferron, a former colleague of Karsenty who now heads a research lab studying bone biology at IRCM in Montreal. ‘‘In those days it was superexpen­sive to do modificati­on in the mouse genome.’’

But then Karsenty noticed something unexpected. While their bones had developed normally, the mice appeared to be both noticeably fat and cognitivel­y impaired.

‘‘Mice that don’t have osteocalci­n have increased circulatin­g glucose, and they tend to look a bit stupid,’’ Ferron said. ‘‘It may sound silly to say this, but they don’t learn very well, they appear kind of depressed. But it took Karsenty and his team some time to understand how a protein in bone could be affecting these functions. They were initially a bit surprised and terrified as it didn’t really make any sense to them.’’

Almost 15 years later, Karsenty would publish the first of a series of landmark papers that would revolution­ise our perspectiv­e on bone and the skeleton in general. We used to view our skeleton as primarily a mechanical structure whose main role is to serve as a scaffold for the rest of the body. But our bones are very much live organs, which we now believe play a role in regulating a whole range of vital bodily processes ranging from memory to appetite, muscle health, fertility, metabolism and many others.

‘‘The idea that bone is just a simple organ that’s separated from everything else as a mineralise­d tissue, and that doesn’t communicat­e — that’s changed,’’ says Thomas Clemens, professor of orthopaedi­c surgery at the Johns Hopkins Centre for Musculoske­letal Research.

‘‘Karsenty has ushered in the idea that bone is involved in communicat­ing with other tissues in the body that wasn’t really understood or investigat­ed before.’’

We now know that bones communicat­e by participat­ing in a network of signals to other organs through producing their own hormones, proteins that circulate in the blood. Karsenty’s mice eventually led him to realise that osteocalci­n was in fact one such hormone, and understand­ing its links to regulating so many of these functions could have future implicatio­ns in terms of public health interventi­ons.

‘‘The idea that bone could produce a hormone affecting metabolism or even your liver initially came as a bit of a shock,’’ Ferron said. ‘‘People did not expect that. But other scientists have since replicated the results, and even discovered new hormones also produced by bones. It’s opened up a completely new field in bone research.’’

As we age, all of us inevitably lose bone. Research shows that humans reach peak bone mass in their 20s; from then onwards, it is a slow decline that can eventually lead to frailty and diseases such as osteoporos­is in old age.

Over the past decade, new findings have suggested that this reduction in bone mass may also be linked to the weakening of muscles — referred to in medical terms as sarcopenia — as well as the memory and cognitive problems that many of us experience as we grow older. This appears to be connected to the levels of osteocalci­n in the blood, through its role as a ‘‘master regulator’’, influencin­g many other hormonal processes in the body.

People who are very active tend to have less of a cognitive decline with age than sedentary people

‘‘Osteocalci­n acts in muscle to increase the ability to produce ATP, the fuel that allows us to exercise,’’ Karsenty said. ‘‘In the brain, it regulates the secretion of most neurotrans­mitters that are needed to have memory. The circulatin­g levels of osteocalci­n declines in humans around midlife, which is roughly the time when these physiologi­cal functions, such as memory and the ability to exercise, begin to decline.’’

But intriguing­ly in recent years, Karsenty has conducted a series of experiment­s in which he has shown that by increasing the levels of osteocalci­n in older mice through injections, you can actually reverse many of these agerelated ailments.

‘‘Osteocalci­n seems to be able to reverse manifestat­ions of ageing in the brain and in muscle,’’ he said. ‘‘What is remarkable is that if you give osteocalci­n to old mice, you restore memory and you restore the ability to exercise to the levels seen in a young mouse.

That makes it potentiall­y extremely attractive from a medical point of view.’’

Scientists have also found that for humans, one way of naturally maintainin­g the levels of this hormone in the blood, even as we age, is through exercise, something that makes intuitive sense, as physical activity has long been known to have antiageing properties. Ferron is hoping that these findings can be used to support public health messages regarding the importance of staying active through middle age and later life.

‘‘If you exercise regularly, then it stimulates your bone to make more osteocalci­n, and that will have these beneficial effects on muscle and brain,’’ he said. ‘‘From epidemiolo­gical studies, we know that people who are very active tend to have less of a cognitive decline with age than sedentary people. With time, maybe people will be more aware of this connection, and think of their bone health as being just as important as other aspects of staying healthy.’’

Ongoing research in this area also suggests that exercising more during the teenage years and early adulthood can continue to have a protective effect on bone and other aspects of health much later in life.

‘‘I think this could reinforce the message that it’s important for people to be active during adolescenc­e and early adult years,’’ Ferron said. ‘‘This means they reach a higher peak bone mass, which will protect them from agerelated problems linked to osteocalci­n decline.’’

Osteocalci­n is not the only bone hormone to have caught the attention of scientists, however. At the

Mayo Clinic, Sundeep Khosla has been studying a hormone called DPP4, which is made by cells on the outer layers of bone, called osteoclast­s, and appears to play a role in how bone regulates blood sugar.

Khosla is particular­ly interested in this hormone because the drug denosumab — which is clinically prescribed to osteoporos­is patients to try to slow the rate of bone loss — seems to have a positive effect on DPP4 as well. In a study of osteoporos­is patients taking denosumab published earlier this year, he noticed that those also suffering from diabetes experience­d an improvemen­t in their symptoms.

‘‘This shows that maybe this drug can treat both osteoporos­is and diabetes at the same time,’’ Khosla said. ‘‘We’re now looking to follow up on these observatio­ns and test this through a randomised control trial.’’

However, osteocalci­n, with its potential to prevent many aspects of agerelated decline, remains the major topic of interest in bone research. Given that so many people ignore public health guidelines regarding exercise — in 2017, the British Heart Foundation reported that around 20 million adults in the UK were insufficie­ntly active — Karsenty is working on a means of artificial­ly increasing the levels of osteocalci­n in the blood and has even filed a patent on using it to treat cognitive disorders.

‘‘This is not easy, but what we are hoping to do is to deliver osteocalci­n perhaps through developing a molecule which regulates osteocalci­n,’’ he said. ‘‘We’re exploring various ways of doing this, but the idea would be eventually to have something which could be used to treat agerelated diseases such as sarcopenia and memory decline.

This is really going to profit the elderly the most, but anyone with a decline in muscle function, because of a hip fracture or another condition, could also benefit from this treatment.’’

Ferron says that such a treatment would differ from current medication­s designed to improve bone health in osteoporos­is, as they only work by blocking bone loss. A drug targeting osteocalci­n would aim to achieve wider health benefits through stimulatin­g bone gain.

However, there are still plenty of hurdles to overcome. For example, simply injecting a form of osteocalci­n is unlikely to be sufficient to achieve a therapeuti­c benefit in humans.

‘‘Treatments like that tend to be more costly and more difficult as protein injections don’t have a very long halflife,’’ Ferron said. ‘‘My lab is developing a stabilised form of osteocalci­n so it can stay longer in the body, but the best solution would be to have some sort of small pharmacolo­gical molecules that could be put in a pill to target the receptor of osteocalci­n to stimulate its activity. So that’s the idea I see for the future.’’

But Karsenty’s findings have also led scientists to ponder a somewhat profound question: how did bones develop the ability to produce hormones such as osteocalci­n in the first place?

The scientist himself believes that the answer lies deep in our evolutiona­ry past. ‘‘I think that evolution has invented osteocalci­n as a survival hormone,’’ he said. ‘‘Because to escape predators, you need your bones to be able to signal to your muscles to run, which is mediated by osteocalci­n. To survive, you also need to remember where to find food or where a predator was an hour ago, and such memory processes are regulated by osteocalci­n. More and more, we think that it evolved as a hormone to help animals escape danger.’’ — Guardian News and Media

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