Otago Daily Times

Balanced media key to making an informed decision


IT is great to see the Otago Daily Times has increased its readership over the last 12 months (26.9.20). It is a tribute to the editorial staff and quality of the reporting and balance of views expressed by the opinion columnists.

Regrettabl­y, the same cannot be said for the other forms of media, particular­ly TV and radio, where the political viewpoint of the presenters seems to take precedence over their ability to present a balanced view.

The recent leaders debate was a classic example. Without exception, the presenters and ‘‘political commentato­rs’’ were all sure the performanc­e of Judith Collins was far superior to that of the Prime Minister and told their viewers so in no uncertain terms. However, when members of the public were asked who they felt performed better on the night, the vote was 55% to 45% in favour of Jacinda Ardern.

Although Labour have a large lead in the polls at present, there are still many undecided voters, particular­ly among those who will be voting for the first time. We should encourage them to get an informed, balanced view by reading the printed press, online or in paper form, rather than the blatant bias shown by other forms of the media.

Bob Scott


Balclutha rent

REGARDING rent increases in the Clutha District (ODT, 24.9.20), it appalls me that any councillor should think the renters of the pensioner flats in the district should pay market rent .

This shows a total lack of empathy and social conscience. I for one am happy to see the Clutha District Council housing subsidised by my rates.

For whatever reason the citizens occupying this housing need support, not driven into poverty. These units are not flash and need a big freshenup and insulated to an acceptable standard.

I’m pleased to see we at least have a mayor with a good social conscience where our pensioners occupying the CDC housing is concerned.

Beth Linklater

Balclutha .....................................

BIBLE READING: The Lord our God . . . has given you peace from all your enemies. 1 Chronicles 22.18.

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