Otago Daily Times

It’s about leadership — and I vote for status quo


YOUR reader from the not so ‘‘super’’ city presents a totally fanciful alternativ­e reality (Letters, 6.10.20).

When the pandemic hit, two National leaders ago, the Labourled government did exactly what was needed. Viz, closed the country and put in place measures to support those most in need.

National MPs sat like stunned mullets while their thenleader whined and said money should go ‘‘to business’’, as was done in the United States in response to the Global Financial Crisis. The result? Homelessne­ss, unemployme­nt and despair. Money does not trickle down.

National, Act and some interest groups have never been part of the ‘‘team of five million’’. Instead, almost from the start, pushing for ‘‘opening up’’. Modelling and reality from elsewhere shows what that would have meant — disease and deaths.

Political leadership is primarily about the safety and welfare of those you are responsibl­e for. In this, we have been very well led by Jacinda Ardern, Grant Robertson and others in the present government.

This has drawn admiration from around the world. Hopefully voters will support them to deal with the pandemic and rebuild the country.

J. Munro Abbotsford

A PLEA. Can the press please restrain themselves form pursuing Judith Collins?

The woman cannot even pray in peace, but some intrusive photograph­er has her image spread far and wide.

Surely, this was a most private moment, though one with wide significan­ce, for who else is there to stand between us and the godless Marxism of the Green Party, that tail which has the Labour dog in its fearsome grip and needs only the space to wag unhindered?

Harry Love North East Valley

QUESTIONS to think about for this election.

What really happened in the stripping of Judith Collins’ ministeria­l post over ‘‘Oravida’’?

Could we trust a National government whose previous nine years in government led to increasing homelessne­ss, poverty, loss of biodiversi­ty and water degradatio­n?

Could we trust a National government that would have us rushing into a lessening of border restrictio­ns? We should remind ourselves what happened in Melbourne.

Who do you trust more? A woman who has guided us through enormously challengin­g events and who is seen from outside New Zealand as an extraordin­ary, empathic human being (Jacinda Ardern), or a woman who doesn’t exactly have a track record of empathy (Judith ‘‘Crusher’’ Collins)?

Isla Burgess

Central Otago

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