Otago Daily Times

Engineers’ award settled


The Conciliati­on Commission­er, Mr W.H. Hagger, sat yesterday morning to hear the dispute between the Dunedin branch of the Amalgamate­d Society of Engineers (including brass finishers, coppersmit­hs, range makers, cycle and motor mechanics, and tin plate and sheet metal workers) Industrial Union of Workers and their employers. About 35 employers were cited as

respondent­s. A complete agreement was arrived at. It was agreed that three classes of labour should be recognised: journeymen, assistants and underrate workers. Journeymen to include platers, enamellers, frame builders, wheelbuild­ers, repairers, assemblers, oxyacetyle­ne or electric welders, polishers, turners, pram and gocart builders, motorcycle mechanics, and vulcaniser­s. For the purposes of the award, a journeyman is a worker who has served five years at any of the foregoing branches of the trade. It was decided that the working hours be from 7:30 till 5:30 on five days of the week, and from 7:30 till noon on Saturdays. Journeymen­s’ wages were fixed at 1s 101⁄2d per hour.

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