Otago Daily Times

General knowledge crossword



1 What is a circular building with a domed roof? (7)

4 What itchy skin eruptions are often an allergic reaction to something? (5)

7 Lima is the capital of which country? (4) 8 What team game uses sticks with a catching-throwing pocket? (8)

10 What is an abnormal craving for alcohol? (10)

12 What expression means “get by on few resources”? (4,2)

13 What did Queensland and Northern Territorie­s Aerial Services become? (6)

15 “The minute you walked in the joint...” begins which Shirley Bassey hit? (3,7)

18 Which first-century Roman emperor was noted for his cruelty? (8)

19 What is a young kangaroo called? (4) 20 What is a semi-aquatic mammal of the genus Lutra? (5)

21 What is a small dish for baking and serving an individual portion of food? (7)


1 What is a very swift-flowing stretch of river water? (5)

2 In the US, what is a motorway where a toll is charged? (8)

3 Noah’s Ark is said to have come to rest on which mountain? (6)

4 According to a song, what hardly happen in Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire? (10)

5 Debuting as Bank-Americard in California in 1959, what was it later named? (4)

6 What are tied bundles of cornstalks? (7)

9 In which James Bond adventure does the character Pussy Galore feature? (10) 11 Where are the pedigrees of racehorses recorded? (8) 12 In which country would you find Casablanca? (7)

14 What was a stableman at an inn? (6)

16 What silky synthetic fabric is commonly used in the manufactur­e of shirts and underwear? (5)

17 What is a note lowered a semitone below natural pitch? (4)

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