Otago Daily Times

Trump ends the pandemic? Oh, give us a break


THE White House announced a few days ago that one of President Trump’s greatest achievemen­ts has been to end the Covid19 pandemic.

To many of us, that may seem astonishin­g, but it makes perfect sense.

Trump’s understand­ing of reality is limited to the extent that it affects him: nothing of any significan­ce exists outside his own little mental bubble.

He contracted the virus; now he is well.

For him, that was the end of Covid19.

He can’t understand why everyone else is still talking about Covid, Covid, Covid.

The fact that the US currently (October 30) has nine million Covid19 cases and over 220,000 Covid19 deaths, in a situation of alarming escalation, has no meaning at all for him: it must be a hoax or fake news.

Please, America: Trump isn’t just a liar, he’s suffering from delusional disorder.

He doesn’t need votes, he needs urgent psychiatri­c help.

John Drummond


Green Party

IT is unsurprisi­ng that Kiwi Chris Liddell’s nomination by President Trump to head the OECD has been opposed by the New Zealand Green Party.

The Greens already showed their financial illiteracy by proposing a wealth tax, which surveys have shown would have caused many people who invest in New Zealand and create jobs, to flee to Australia.

Mr Liddell has demonstrat­ed excellent competence with finance, turning around the misfortune­s of companies like General Motors in just a short time. What sort of economic damage would the Greens do to New Zealand if ever they got any real power?

Dan McGuire

Nelson ..................................

BIBLE READING: Maintain justice and do what is right. — Isaiah 56:1.

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