Otago Daily Times

Trump must stand down for US to move forward


THE electoral system in the United States of America is baffling enough, but even more baffling is the possibilit­y that the incumbent President will attempt to use a court system which he has managed to stack with supporters of himself to deny the democratic decision of the people to get rid of him.

From this safe distance it seems amazing the American people, who number round 328 million, could only come up with the choice between a person with a narcissist­ic personalit­y disorder and a person who appears to be close to their useby date to be their leader.

It is unbelievab­le there are no young visionarie­s capable of getting to the position of giving hope and direction to a nation that was the leader of the free world. I fear that whatever the decision that is finally made, the USA will descend into civil disorder of one form or another.

The only way forward is for this person who has an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationsh­ips and a lack of empathy for others, to stand aside. He will not be capable of making that decision because of his narcissism, but surely the Republican Party will not support any form of refusal to accept the outcome of an election. Russell Garbutt


I WILL call them the American elections as opposed to the ‘‘United States’’ as there doesn't appear to be anything ‘‘united’’ about the country.

Should the result go against the incumbent president it brings to mind a couple of quotes from infamous Americans.

Firstly the one by Dennis Connor when sharing the stage after the America's Cup in 1988 directed at KZ1 designer Bruce Farr, ‘‘you’re a loser, now get off the stage’’, and second from none other than youknowwho, ‘‘you’re fired’’.

How appropriat­e it would be for Joe Biden to utter either or both in the event of him winning the presidency.

Kevin Keogh


 ?? PHOTO: SUPPLIED ?? Captain Charles Upham.
PHOTO: SUPPLIED Captain Charles Upham.

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