Otago Daily Times

Agitation for rail link


While the district is fast increasing its productive­ness, and in this respect it is always reminded of the advice given by that veteran statesman, the late Mr Seddon, at the turning of the first sod of the extension of the railway from Lawrence, little progress is being made with the extension of railway communicat­ion. The turning of the first sod of the Lawrence

Roxburgh railway is now ancient history, but Mr Seddon’s advice to the settlers to plant their trees and increase production, and the Government would provide the railage, is still fresh in the memory of those present on that occasion. Mr Seddon spoke on behalf of the Government, and the present terminus of the railway and above all the meagre vote of £8000 placed on the recent estimates furnish abundant evidence of the apathy of the Government and how little reliance can be placed on its promises. However, the district has experience­d so many rebuffs of this descriptio­n that they only serve as incentives to greater energy and agitation, and the small vote of £8000 is not going to be accepted without a protest. Efforts are being made by the local Railway League to have this vote supplement­ed, and it is hoped that before long some real indication of the government’s intention to push on the line will be forthcomin­g.

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