Otago Daily Times

Funding meeting


Wyndham: The Waihopai Toetoe Community Board will decide which community projects will receive funding when it meets in Wyndham on Tuesday.

The Community Partnershi­p September 2020 funding round had received more than $91,000 in applicatio­ns from organisati­ons within the catchment.

Among those applicatio­ns was $15,000 for the Woodlands Primary School playground upgrade, $11,500 for the Tokanui Land Search and Rescue to assist in developmen­t of storage and meeting facility and $10,123 for the Toetoe community pool to go towards replacing framing and the shell of the pool.

The community board had $36,686 available to allocate in two funding rounds during the 202021 financial year. There would be another funding round in March.

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