Otago Daily Times

Time to change how we value ourselves and the things we do

- Jean Balchin, a former English student at the University of Otago, is studying at Oxford University after being awarded a Rhodes Scholarshi­p.

IT’S that time of year again, when the days are longest, the sunshine brightest, and we are encouraged to reflect on the past year. 2021 is just around the corner, but before we list out our carefully considered New Year resolution­s, we must look back on the last twelve months.

All over social media, my friends and acquaintan­ces are congratula­ting themselves on having not just survived 2020, but having flourished. Some of my talented pals have written books; others have got engaged, had babies, and bought houses.

Me? I’ve had an interestin­g time, but I certainly haven’t accomplish­ed all that much. or have I?

Earlier this year, when Covid19 began to rear its ugly head, the world seemed to become increasing­ly anxious over the issue of productivi­ty. How on earth were we to churn out as much work as usual, while also evading a potentiall­y lifechangi­ng, if not fatal, virus?

Productivi­ty, or lack thereof, has become the beall and endall for many people during the pandemic. But in this febrile atmosphere, exacerbate­d by the cabin fever occasioned from being trapped inside for days on end, the added stress of not being able to escape one’s family or flatmates, and the everpresen­t whisper of doubt from one’s inner critic, it can be nigh on impossible to get anything done, let alone a full day’s work.

And then, if one does succeed in getting a few hours’ work done, one is bombarded with constant messages about the need to improve oneself in one’s spare time. Ever thought about launching a podcast? Or how about reading the entire bibliograp­hy of Charles Dickens? Have you considered getting fit, overhaulin­g your wardrobe, or redecorati­ng your house? What about taking a profession­al wine tasting course over Zoom?

Think of all the podcasts, online courses, and motivation­al seminars predicated on the notion of improving oneself. More than half of Amazon’s top 20 best selling nonfiction books fall into the genre of selfhelp. I’ve lost count of the number of programmes advertised to me about time management, healthy eating, selfactual­isation, and eliminatin­g procrastin­ation once and for all. As I write this I am procrastin­ating writing an essay for Oxford. Such is life. I don’t think I’ll ever change.

Productivi­ty has become something of a religion — nay, cult — in itself. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of constantly feeling inadequate and useless, of feeling like I’ve wasted time by sleeping and resting, even with a chronic illness.

We know that Issac Newton discovered gravity and invented calculus while in quarantine. Boccaccio wrote The Decameron, a collection of novellas framed as stories a bunch of friends tell each other while quarantine­d inside a villa during the plague, and Shakespear­e similarly penned King Lear.

Like many, I had lofty ambitions heading into lockdown. I wanted to finish writing my first collection of essays (in the works since 2015). I had grand ideas of launching my own website, of taking painting commission­s, and learning yoga. And for a while, I found that this frantic productivi­ty did help, in that it distracted me from the hellscape beyond the four walls of my bedroom. I was able to escape the immense catastroph­e of Covid19 by focusing on smaller, mundane tasks and domestic catastroph­es.

But this burst of activity was not to last, and soon I found myself struggling to even make myself breakfast, or to do anything other than watch Netflix mindlessly.

I worry that in the hustle and bustle of our productivi­ty, we overlook what cannot be easily quantified. How do we measure the productivi­ty of an afternoon spent, socially distanced, with friends at the park? How can a phone call to a loved one on the other side of the globe be plotted on a graph? There is so much to be treasured in life, and not all of it can be defined or checked off a list.

It’s important to remember (as if one could forget) that there is a global pandemic happening. I have no doubt that pandemicre­lated stress has altered people’s eating and sleeping patterns, and made it far more difficult for them to concentrat­e. We’ve had to adjust to new ways of living and socialisin­g. And perhaps people have come to realise just how gendered some aspects of productivi­ty can be, from cooking and cleaning to emotional care. So many of these activities have been done historical­ly by women in private for free, and it’s time we recognise how valuable and demanding these domestic duties are.

Perhaps it’s time to rethink how we measure the value of spending time. Perhaps it’s also time to reflect on how relentless selfoptimi­sation can be horrifical­ly draining. A human life isn’t inherently worth less if the person to whom it belongs cannot, or will not, churn out the same amount of work as another human. So be kind to yourself — you may not have written the next bestseller or hiked Kilimanjar­o, but you’ve survived 2020. And that’s enough.

❛ As I write this I am procrastin­ating writing an essay

for Oxford. Such is life. I don’t think I’ll ever change.

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