Otago Daily Times

Taking issue with column


THE piece about DCC traffic plans by Otago regional councillor Hilary Calvert (Opinion, 26.12.20) contains some dubious arguments — especially when she raises the possibilit­y of central government interventi­on.

Ironically, three of the reasons she lists about the DCC that may interest the Minister of Local Government are the direct result of bad behaviour of her running mate, Cr Lee Vandervis: The minister does not like councils to be in the newspaper, especially on the front page, in an adversaria­l light; the minister does not like Code of Conduct proceeding­s; the minister does not like poor language by councillor­s or infighting.

All of these criteria are the direct result of welldocume­nted and ongoing bad behaviour from Cr Vandervis.

These issues could be addressed if he behaved better. They are not arguments for central government interventi­on.

Chris Wilson North East Valley

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