Otago Daily Times

Protesters represent many


IN response to Lyall Cocks (NZ Rodeo Cowboy Associatio­n) comments on protesters at rodeos (ODT 2.1.21), I wish to assure Mr Cocks the animal rights protesters seen at rodeos are representi­ng more than a handful of militant vegans.

I attended rodeos in the past to appreciate the equestrian skill of events such as barrel racing. As a horse woman I was never comfortabl­e with the bucking events as I knew that horses only ever buck out of fear and pain and I imagine the same goes for bulls.

There was also the contradict­ion of the roping events which, while they demonstrat­e the deep connection the cowboy has with their horse, sadly this does not extend to roping the calf or steer.

After a while I decided rodeos were not kind and not something I wanted to be a part of, so I stopped attending. I am grateful to those brave protesters who are willing to withstand the threats and abuse for standing up for the voiceless animal victims. They also stand for people like myself and therefore a much larger crosssecti­on of the public than Mr Cocks knows.

Jenny Aimers, Port Chalmers


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