Otago Daily Times

Super quiz


BEGINNER (1pt each)

Which of these is not the name of one of the Kardashian sisters — Kourtney, Karly, or Khloe?

What was the original name of boxing legend Muhammad Ali?

In Maori mythology, what were the names of the sky father and earth mother from which creation sprang?

INTERMEDIA­TE (2pt each)

Whereabout­s is Queen Maud Land?

Which of these New Zealand musicians was never a member of Split Enz: Eddie Rayner, Phil Judd, or Marc Hunter?

What, in astronomy, is ‘‘The giant red spot’’?

Which role does New Zealand actor Karl Urban play in the rebooted Star Trek movie series?

EXPERT (3pt each)

Which Alist British actor was born Krishna Bhanji, in Scarboroug­h, Yorkshire, in 1943?

Which major businessre­lated venture was set up by America’s National Associatio­n of Securities Dealers in 1971?

What is the meaning of the phrase ‘‘terra nullius’’, a term in internatio­nal law which is sometimes used to claim colonial sovereignt­y over land?

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