Otago Daily Times

Cryptic crossword



1. Medal I’m sorting out in this predicamen­t (7)

4. Schoolboy howler, mistaking woman’s garment for a loaf (7)

8. Thus, repeatedly, it’s only middling (2-2)

9. Deliberate­ly battered the furniture when impoverish­ed (10)

11. Legs of a cricket team (6)

12. The analytical approach to treatment centre Al takes (8)

14. Can best US material be ordered? (9)

15. Drink may make one fat (5)

17. To lift one up in opera is exceptiona­l (5)

18. One not drinking in bar eats for a change (9)

19. How can cadet die to inscribe it as a tribute? (8)

21. Chase after us, reversing in pure surroundin­gs (6)

23. Book written by hand, by Camus print it like this (10)

24. Have nothing to eat, and quickly! (4)

25. Was dwelling with the team when in the red (7)

26. Went over it and changed, in a diverse way (7)


1. He makes up prescripti­ons for Red’s spine disorder (9)

2. Made an inventory of houses that should be preserved (6,9)

3. Help is about right if it’s so dry (4)

4. Star wager to use with glee maybe (10)

5. Indian, perhaps, has nothing to make cane of (5)

6. What Walkman brings is just what one wants to hear (5,2,4,4)

7. Put lady right back where Wordsworth lived (5)

10. Scarab and another insect let loose (6)

13. Pater, under difficulti­es, was ecstatic (10)

15. Social standing is the most a Tuscan can reveal (6)

16. Pestered in term, noted the difference (9)

19. Raise an objection if it’s not quite modest (5)

20. Was put in the box for having reconnoitr­ed as a burglar (5)

22. Knocks up in order to practise boxing (4)

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