Otago Daily Times

Game for a major review


MUCH water will flow down the rivers before the dramatic changes to Fish & Game recommende­d in a ministeria­l review are fully implemente­d.

It is understand­able some feathers will be ruffled at the new direction.

However, there has been increasing concern about the way the 30yearold organisati­on is working, or rather not working, and the review sought by previous conservati­on minister Eugenie Sage, published last week, said its operations had been plagued by major governance issues.

The organisati­on operates a federal structure with 12 regional Fish & Game Councils (FGC) and a National Council.

As the review says, the legislatio­n intended regional bodies would be responsibl­e for the daytoday management of the habitat and species of their area, while the national body would be concerned with the national interest of anglers and hunters. This may have been ‘‘a neat demarcatio­n in theory’’, but in reality, the respective roles of the regional and national bodies involved debate and disagreeme­nt from the outset.

Under the changes, the 12 FGCs will be cut to three for each island. Southland and Otago will become one council area.

The report points out Fish & Game with about 70 staff and a turnover of $11 million has ‘‘an extraordin­ary and unnecessar­y level of governance’’ — 144 councillor­s (regionally and nationally), a total higher than the number of members of Parliament.

The review recommends slashing the number of councillor­s on each FGC from 12 to eight, with half of those appointed by the Minister for Conservati­on, rather than elected by licence holders.

The lack of diversity in the existing councils, including only three women members and poor representa­tion by Maori and young people, was also noted. South Island FGCs each had a Ngai Tahu appointee and were ‘‘overall more used to recognisin­g a Maori viewpoint (although the question of how much is understood or incorporat­ed, might be answered differentl­y by the Ngai Tahu representa­tives compared to the other councillor­s)’’.

Major changes are proposed to recognise the interests of Maori as a Treaty partner, including amending legislatio­n, and urgently initiating a dialogue with Maori through a national hui to develop a policy to ensure all relevant Treaty concerns are addressed.

The review said the boundaries between governance and management were poorly understood, ‘‘or if understood are honoured more in the breach than the observance’’.

Issues included FGC councillor­s intruding into operationa­l matters and, nationally, there were disagreeme­nts between the council and the chief executive over their respective roles.

Poor management of conflicts of interest was also cited in the report.

The voluntary status of the existing councillor­s was seen as being one of the issues affecting poor governance practice, but we question whether the proposal to pay future government appointees but not the elected members is wise. Other bodies that have both elected and appointed members, such as district health boards, do not make this distinctio­n over remunerati­on.

The review is clear that much public good has been done by Fish & Game, particular­ly in environmen­tal protection. Reviewers said it had a crucial role defending waterways and water quality in Environmen­t Court processes, something which it ‘‘arguably’’ should receive more support for from other organisati­ons.

Despite the concerns around parochiali­sm impacting the national council, the reviewers emphasise the importance of Fish & Game’s regional presence, describing it as its most valuable characteri­stic and the lynchpin of its effectiven­ess.

‘‘There is no substitute for onthegroun­d familiarit­y with local habitats and species; their health and challenges; the relationsh­ip at a local level with licence holders and wider stakeholde­rs.’’

We hope that will not be lost sight of in the transition to the new arrangemen­ts and that the changes, which should mean a reduction in administra­tion costs, will allow for an increased number of field staff rather than a reduction.

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