Otago Daily Times

Music fans need Sammy’s up and running again


I HAVE just watched Scott Muir’s submission putting forward that, rather than a spanking new theatre be built in Dunedin, Sammy’s be brought up to code as a venue.

The council already owns Sammy’s, it is a goodsized venue and there are already over a dozen theatres in Dunedin. As Scott stipulated, the Fortune ran at a loss for the last seven years or so. The Fortune was a wonderful theatre and had many topclass production­s, and if this didn’t bring in a profit, why would a new theatre change this?

Sammy’s is a really good size for bands (New Zealand and overseas) for whom the stadium is too big, the town hall too formal, and Dive and the Crown not big enough. Dunedin music is hailed as a drawcard — surely it is ludicrous there is not at least one decentsize­d venue?

Little ones open and close because of ‘‘noise’’ regulation­s, and with more innercity apartments happening, it is only going to carry on this way.

As a musician and music lover, I heartily believe we need Sammy’s. With good planning, it could also be used for theatre production­s.

I would like to see the Dunedin City Council allocate funds towards bringing the DCCowned Sammy’s building up to code, thus providing Dunedin with a goodsized venue that it is currently lacking. Jay Clarkson



WON’T she, Russell Lund (Letters, 10.5.21)? Australia is a sovereign state which is playing its cards as it sees fit. New Zealand is also a sovereign state which, proudly to some extent, will not be told what to do. Neither by the United States of America about nuclear power, nor by Five Eyes interferin­g in domestic politics.

Really, Russell, Australia’s worsening relationsh­ips with China and other countries is surely down to Australian foreign policy and nothing at all to do with how New Zealand handles the world. They should be able to look after themselves. Pete Jenkins


BIBLE READING: God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep with him. — 1 Thessaloni­ans

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