Otago Daily Times

No time to be chill about global heating or short on biosphere empathy

- ALIYA DRAKE (Year 11, Columba College)

THE world is in the midst of an ice age.

The Earth is frozen, yet temperatur­es are still increasing.

We have become cold, a frozen ice land.

We have neglected our problems, and as time passes, the urgency for change rises, like our sea levels.

It rises like the temperatur­es. It rises like my concern for the world. But unfortunat­ely, it does not dwindle — like my hope for climate justice.

We are in another ice age.

Heritage and traditions have been destroyed, lives have been lost; but still, we grow colder.

Our carbon footprint increases each day, and our impact on Earth has become catastroph­ic.

Mountains of solid water are simply vanishing.

Our cities are so polluted, people can no longer see the sky — only the grey blanket of ‘‘progress’’.

And for the first time ever, we have climate refugees.

Mother Nature is fighting back. But people have stopped caring.

No longer are we considerat­e, aware, or warm.

Humanity has been replaced by 7 billion walking icicles, due to the ice age of apathy.

As the Earth’s health worsens and the temperatur­es grow, we become ever colder.

In the age of technology and innovation, where people are more connected than ever, we neglect the consequenc­es of our actions.

Everything we do is to ‘‘better the economy’’, to ‘‘develop our society’’ or done in the name of ‘‘progress’’.

Our ‘‘progress’’ is detrimenta­l, to not only our future, but to the other organisms on this planet.

How are we progressin­g as a species if we are destroying everything we touch?

And why do we allow ourselves to continue on, leaving a path of desolation in our wake?

I ask you why, because we do not seem to care.

Care whether our children live or die. Care that we are committing genocide. Care that we will be the demise of our one and only home.

Actually, we do care, but not about anything of relevance.

All we seem to care about is the economy and money.

But if we do not improve our carbon emissions, there will not be an economy to care about at all.

We as individual­s and as a community need to prevent the pollution of our world.

This is of the utmost importance.

Rising sea levels are causing floods.

Many homes are mere sheets of metal and wood, flapping in the wind.

Water sustains all life on Earth; so it seems ironic that releasing too much of it will cause the human race to disintegra­te.

Climate change and global warming do not just impact on the poor. They have an impact on everyone. So why is hardly anything being done?

Do not let your heart become cold or unforgivin­g.

Do not allow yourself to become yet another walking icicle.

Care for our world. Do not let it be vandalised.

Arrest the ice age of apathy. Help prevent climate change. Be a voice among billions. As the Lorax most famously stated: ‘‘I speak for the trees’’.

But that it is not all I speak for; I speak for the environmen­t, I speak for the future of all life on Earth, I speak for all.

So let us all believe in, inspire, and embody, change. For Earth is at stake.

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