Otago Daily Times

Ardern wishes Australia a speedy recovery


WELLINGTON: The Government has halted the transtasma­n travel bubble for at least the next eight weeks.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern acknowledg­ed the ‘‘devastatin­g’’ impact the Australian Covid outbreak was having. She wished the country a speedy recovery, but warned the movement of people could complicate the recovery.

Ms Ardern said she would not risk the hard work put in by New Zealanders by keeping the bubble open when the risk was high from the Delta variant, which had materially changed the risk profile for the transtasma­n bubble.

New Zealand health officials say the risk is greater now than when the travel bubble with Australia opened.

‘‘Covid has changed, so we must,’’ Ms Ardern said.

Quarantine­free travel was suspended from 11.59pm yesterday and the bubble will be closed for at least the next eight weeks.

There will be flights home from all Australian territorie­s for seven days.

In New South Wales, New Zealanders can only fly from Sydney and will have to be in managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) for 14 days.

In Victoria, travellers must have a negative predepartu­re test and must isolate until a negative day 3 test.

Ms Ardern advised New Zealanders not to travel to Australia in the next eight weeks.

Extra staff were being deployed to New Zealand’s ports to check the predepartu­re tests.

Covid19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said people


Adhere to Victoria lockdown measures.

Selfisolat­e upon return to NZ; test on day 3.

Travel to the airport wearing facemasks and by safe travel, i.e., not public transport.

New South Wales:

Can continue to return on existing managed return flights. Must enter MIQ for at least 14 days on arrival.

should contact the airlines about their flights.

Air New Zealand would aim to put bigger planes on existing routes and potentiall­y add extra flights.

Air New Zealand has announced five flights from NSW between July 28 and August 7 for Kiwis to return home. They will need to go into MIQ for 14 days.

Once travellers book a flight, their MIQ spot is automatica­lly confirmed.

Seat availabili­ty will depend on MIQ spaces.

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