Otago Daily Times

Cryptic crossword



1. Risk a little Latin in this part of the church (7)

6. It was a battle to carry one in such a chair (5)

9. One in role-change needs a little room (5)

10. Is delighted to have given one gratificat­ion (7)

11. Be dim about how to plant it firmly in (5)

12. Fit one out with some last bon mot (5)

13. Legs are distribute­d as it feasts one (7)

15. The business of romantic liaison (6)

16. Some of the best ovens in cooking apparatus (5)

18. In a book, a picture of an animal (5)

20. First March Hare came first to serail (5)

21. Select part of the literary output (5)

22. Quote previous spouse first to stir one’s emotions (6)

25. Water-bird may moon about with her (7)

26. Beings involved in tea distributi­on (5)

27. Anne Hathaway returned some of the red dye (5)

28. Switches lost egg for them (7)

29. I spoil one piece of Japanese porcelain (5)

30. One so tight-fisted might almost be remiss (5)

31. Big breeze, one is told, for important people (7)


1. Very richly dressed in cape — or sad about it (11)

2. To requite the years that surround an archdeacon (6)

3. Flying Fortresses were real: these are not (7,2,3,3)

4. Sort of magnetite does let on so (9)

5. It’s less in sum, or might be (5)

6. Said the wrong word like ‘lickskid’ (4,2,3,6)

7. How did elegant and courteous baron die? (8)

8. Fellow turns up at Land of sleep (3)

14. Players of 76 that were noted (11)

17. In short, court imagine how obscure it is (9)

19. Scout can make the books (8)

23. Explosive things, carapaces! (6)

24. A book of mountains (5)

27. The sound bees make will smell bad (3)

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