Otago Daily Times

Response to post shows PM’s immunity to criticism has waned

- CLAIRE TREVETT µ Claire Trevett is The New Zealand Herald political editor.

JUST before Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern headed off on her midyear break a week ago, she did a Facebook Live that will have set the hearts of the Opposition aflutter.

It was on the evening of the massive farmers’ protests around the country. Ardern did not front to those protests, nor did she speak to any media that day to give her reaction.

After seeing the scale of those protests, she clearly decided against ignoring them totally. So she opted to respond with a live video on Facebook at 6.30 that night, a Friday.

Ardern’s Facebook audience is her most adoring audience.

She has two million followers and 1.5 million “likes” — many overseas — giving her something of a defensive army when her opponents chip in.

Her videos and posts, almost without exception, are responded to by people clicking the heart or thumbsup reactions.

Very few click the angry face.

This post was the exception. As soon as she started talking, the angry faces and comments started flowing.

It is by far her most watched and respondedt­o recent video. It had 670,000 views by Friday — and 19,000 comments.

There were 7500 angry faces among the 20,000 responses. They were matched by multiple angry comments — some irrational but many simply angry and questionin­g whether the Government was actually listening.

It was a Facebook post on Ardern’s response to Covid19 that proved the beginning of the end for former National leader Simon Bridges — and if Ardern is not worried about the response to her post she should be.

This post was not quite of the same scale, nor as broad a crosssecti­on of people. But it could mark a crossroads moment for her. It shows there is a limit to her powers of persuasion.

It is the first real scratch in the Teflon that Covid19 has coated Ardern with and showed her immunity to criticism has waned.

And that will set the Opposition hearts aflutter because they know other issues are mounting that could also imperil the Teflon.

That does not mean it will be easy. An Ipsos survey released early this week showed just how thick that Teflon is on almost every issue: Labour was trusted to handle every single issue — including the economy — better than National.

National had a caucus meeting on Thursday, during which it discussed the “Demand the Debate” campaign. That has so far focused on hate speech, gangs and He Puapua, as well as the ute tax for good measure — all issues which Act is also litigating.

Judith Collins appears to be overly focused on trying to put Act in its place and MPs are starting to realise that they have somehow got too caught up in that internecin­e skirmish and lost sight of the real target: the voters.

The Ipsos survey rattled some of the MPs — but also highlighte­d the issues which will be fertile ground.

They were perfectly obvious ones, although somehow National has lost sight of the obvious.

They are housing, the cost of living, health and education.

They are the same issues that have been vexing New Zealand voters since the beginning of time — the hippocket and everyday life issues that guide voters’ ballots more than any argument around the legal definition of “hate speech” will ever do.

Collins dismissed the results of that survey as unsurprisi­ng given National’s low overall polling, but also said that this far out from an election it did not mean too much.

On the latter, she is wrong: it is precisely the time the Opposition should be starting to erode the credibilit­y of the Government on the issues that will dominate come election year.

Those issues are increasing­ly clear as house prices continue to rise, inflation starts to bite, interest rates start inching up and patience starts ebbing.

In the next month, Collins and her deputy, Shane Reti, will be calling each of her MPs in for their days of reckoning: the performanc­e reviews.

A reshuffle will follow in September, if not earlier.

Collins has now had time to assess which of the new MPs are showing promise and which of the more seasoned MPs are not in positions that suit their skills.

Collins will always (justifiabl­y) have a potential leadership challenge at the back of her mind and the temptation will be to reshuffle to shore up her own numbers.

Her priority now should not be securing loyal lieutenant­s, but getting into fighting formation for the 2023 election.

That means putting heavy hitters into those portfolios where the Government may start faltering, including finance and health. Reti might be a good doctor, and even a good deputy leader. But in

Opposition, a health spokespers­on with an attack mode is needed.

The other issue is Covid19.

The Government has been issuing a

“ramping up” promise for months now — but people are finding they cannot get bookings for months in advance.

The next two months will be critical for the Government, which is still being given the benefit of the doubt.

After that Facebook post, Ardern took off on what was supposed to be a 10day holiday (it was rudely interrupte­d by the decision to close the transtasma­n bubble yesterday).

That would have meant a 10day gap before Ardern could be questioned on those farmer protests. She was presumably relying on them having faded into the annals of history by then.

Ardern has increasing­ly been taking a lower profile than in the past, often leaving it to ministers to announce major moves or to front when trouble comes up while she keeps out of the media.

That may be deliberate — a concern of overexposu­re or attempt to steer the Prime Minister away from controvers­y. But it also borders on complacenc­y.

In the first year of a parliament­ary term, vacuums are affordable. There are still two years before the next election. But a savvy Opposition knows full well a vacuum from the Government offers opportunit­ies to a noisy Opposition.

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