Otago Daily Times

Patients, staff being treated as close contacts of case


AUCKLAND: All patients and staff working in two affected Middlemore Hospital wards are being regarded as close contacts of a patient with Covid19.

The patient, who later tested positive for Covid19, arrived at the South Auckland hospital at 5pm on Saturday evening, with atypical coronaviru­s symptoms.

The patient tested positive on Sunday and was immediatel­y moved to the respirator­y ward dedicated to Covid patients, a Counties Manukau Health spokesman said yesterday afternoon.

Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) was undertakin­g a case investigat­ion to identify and isolate close contacts.

‘‘All patients and staff working in the two affected wards between 6.30am and 4.30pm on Sunday, 5 September are currently being classed as close contacts until we have done further investigat­ions,’’ Counties Manukau Health said.

Earlier, it was reported a man at Middlemore tested positive for Covid19, and it was understood he shared a room with three others in the Edmund Hillary

Block surgical ward.

Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson said the Covidposit­ive person in Middlemore entered the hospital on an unrelated matter.

A second situation emerged yesterday where a sick patient was put in the same room as a Covid19 positive person — this time at Waitakere Hospital.

However, Waitemata District Health Board insists there was no exposure and no transmissi­on of the virus in the West Auckland case.

A 67yearold Auckland man was told to selfisolat­e and get tested after he spent a night in the emergency department at Waitakere Hospital with a man who had Covid on August 19 — just a few days after the country went into a snap lockdown. —

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