Otago Daily Times

Call for global vaccinatio­n before booster


NEW Zealand should delay a widespread vaccine booster shot rollout, to reduce the risk of Covid19 becoming a much more deadly disease, virologist Dr Robert Webster says.

Dr Webster, a University of Otago graduate and internatio­nal expert on influenza and vaccines, told the Otago Daily Times that Covid19 could still become ‘‘the big one’’ — a killer virus with the deadly potential of the 1919 Spanish Flu, which killed between 25 million and 75 million people.

He urged countries, including New Zealand, to delay booster shot programmes to ensure there was enough global supply of vaccine to minimise the chance of the virus developing a more deadly variant.

The Ministry of Health has replied that no decisions have been made, despite reports a vaccine on order was being considered for a booster shot programme.

Balcluthab­orn Dr Webster, who now lives in the United States, was the first scientist to establish the link between human and avian influenza.

He also worked on the first DNA vaccine. In 1997, he and his team identified the deadly mystery Hong Kong virus that became known as H5N1.

Dr Webster works at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, in Memphis.

Yesterday, speaking via video link, Dr Webster said it was important countries took seriously the World Health Organisati­on’s call for booster shot programmes to be delayed until more people were vaccinated around the world.

‘‘While every country is interested in protecting itself, we live in a global community,’’ Dr Webster said.

The virus thinks globally and so must we, he said.

‘‘Unless we provide protection for the whole globe . . . this virus is going to win the battle.’’

It was not farfetched to suggest Covid19 could become a much worse virus if global vaccinatio­n was not given priority.

‘‘These viruses are notoriousl­y active at evolving and this virus will continue to evolve.

‘‘We hope that it does not become a supersuper spreader and supersuper killer.’’

His clear message to countries already rolling out thirdshot programmes, and to countries considerin­g doing the same, was to hold off.

‘‘Unless we get everyone protected we are going to be faced with the possibilit­y of a much worse pandemic.’’

In response to questions, a spokesman for Health Minister Chris Hipkins said the Government was taking expert advice on the use of boosters.

‘‘No decision has been made on their use in New Zealand,’’ the spokesman said.

‘‘The Government is also committed to continuing to support the vaccinatio­n of our Pacific neighbours in particular.’’

Yesterday, it was reported that a large shipment of Novavax vaccine, expected in New Zealand during the first quarter of next year, was being considered for a booster shot programme.

The spokesman said no decisions had been made on how the vaccine would be used.

During the next three months, French biotech company Valneva is conducting a human trial of a vaccine in New Zealand. Three hundred participan­ts are involved in the trial of the inactivate­d whole virus vaccine.

Dr Webster said what he knew of the vaccine made it sound promising.

‘‘From my own experience . . . whole virus vaccines byandlarge are more immunogeni­c.

‘‘The chances are it is going to be very effective. I’m going to be most interested in following the efficacy of that vaccine.

‘‘New Zealand might want to consider ordering some.’’

The Ministry of Health was asked whether it was planning to do that. A ministry spokesman said New Zealand had advance purchase agreements with four Covid19 vaccine suppliers, none of which were Valneva.

 ?? IMAGE: ODT FILES ?? Grim warning . . . Otagoborn virologist Dr Robert Webster says we need a global approach to vaccinatio­n or ‘‘this virus is going to win the battle’’.
IMAGE: ODT FILES Grim warning . . . Otagoborn virologist Dr Robert Webster says we need a global approach to vaccinatio­n or ‘‘this virus is going to win the battle’’.
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