Otago Daily Times

Sub culture

Ben Allan climbs aboard for a tour of duty of the submarines­et UK murdermyst­ery/political thriller Vigil.


AH, police work. Some days you spend a day catching up on paperwork, and some days you’re flown out to a mystery location in the middle of the ocean to investigat­e a death on a nuclear-armed Royal Navy submarine. That’s the reality for DCI Amy Silva Doctor Foster) (Suranne Jones, of the Scottish Police, who is shoulder-tapped for the job after sonar operator Craig Burke turns up dead in his bunk on Vigil, board the HMS the ballistic missile “boat” that’s fulfilling the duty of being the one submarine the UK has at sea at all times as its nuclear deterrent. Vigil can’t just drop what it’s doing to return to port and unbalance the delicate internatio­nal “mutually assured destructio­n” equation, so DCI Silva is choppered out to its location and lowered into murky waters, both figurative and literal, to get to the bottom of matters. Once on board, she finds some very impressive sets — although one suspects the ceilings on a real submarine aren’t nearly that high — and a lot of questions. Burke’s death seems not as simple as she has been told (surprise!), and no-one seems to have much liked him. She launches straight into her investigat­ion, very much isolated and butting up against a crew that would rather just sweep the whole thing under the rug. Meanwhile her police colleague — and something more besides? — DS Kirsten Longacre (Rose Leslie, who may be familiar to viewers from repeatedly informing Jon Snow about his general levels of ignorance on Game of Thrones) is left on land to connect various dots to do with Burke’s girlfriend Jade, the nuclear disarmamen­t movement, a local politician, and a brusque and shiftyseem­ing Royal Navy establishm­ent headed up by Rear Admiral Shaw (Stephen Dillane, also back from Westeros). Intrigue abounds. After this cracking set-up, the middle episodes do get a little bogged down as Vigil the patrolling ploughs through entire schools of red herring. Here’s where believabil­ity gets stretched a little, and as a viewer you may find yourself asking a few incredulou­s questions like “Why is internal security on a nuclear submarine seemingly based on the honour system?” or “Who breaks up with Rose Leslie?”. The spectre of nuclear annihilati­on (briefly) raises its ugly head, submarine systems go mysterious­ly on the fritz, and geopolitic­al questions are lobbed around. What are the Americans up to? Could the Russians be involved? The Chinese? The Belgians? (No OK, not them.) Then there’s the matter of the Scottish fishing trawler dragged beneath the waves with the loss of all hands in the series’ harrowing opening scene. Try to keep up. Fortunatel­y the acting is strong and the characters interestin­g enough that we can cling to them to ride through all the twists and turns without being thrown off. Bad guys turn out to be not so bad and good guys turn out to be not so good because hey, people contain multitudes. Silva deals with personal demons of her own — thematical­ly convenient ones, at that — with steely determinat­ion as things get increasing­ly difficult and dangerous on board. And Longacre, not confined to those submarine sets, charges around Scotland with a winning cop-who-getsresult­s attitude, dealing with reticent bureaucrac­y and balaclava-wearing goons with equal aplomb. All the while the backstory of both characters is being slowly filled in, shedding more light on what makes them both tick. One by one answers are ticked off until focus has properly resolved in time for a tense finale that will be every claustroph­obic’s worst nightmare. With everything either wrapped or covered up at the end (and one imagines the PR arm of the actual Royal Navy were not well pleased with certain aspects of the series), blame is assigned, things make at least a kind of sense, and we’ve all been given a briskly entertaini­ng reminder of the number one lesson of all submarineb­ased fiction: never, ever get on board a submarine. µ Vigil All six episodes of are now available on TVNZ On Demand.

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