Otago Daily Times

Foot and mouth ‘catastroph­ic’ for NZ


TAKAKA: A farmer has described the risk of foot and mouth disease as similar to worrying about a heart attack.

‘‘There's always the possibilit­y of it happening, and you sure don't want it to happen because it could be catastroph­ic,’’ Federated Farmers vicepresid­ent and Golden Bay dairy farmer Wayne Langford said.

‘‘You're always aware of the possibilit­y, but you can't worry about it every day. You just hope that border security have control of it.’’

Mr Langford's analogy comes off the back of comments by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern saying that an outbreak could impact as many as 100,000 jobs.

Agricultur­e and Biosecurit­y Minister Damien O'Connor mirrored those sentiments, describing it as a doomsday disease.

‘‘That's 100% accurate’’ responds Mr Langford when asked whether these comments were an accurate representa­tion of the threat posed.

‘‘This is no joke. I've compared it to the likes of what happened to the tourism industry with Covid. But this would be far worse than that. It would be overnight. It would be a flick of a switch and our primary sector would just be annihilate­d. It's exactly as they're describing it, and that's why there's so much emphasis on keeping it out.’’

Indonesia faces an outbreak of the disease, but has not yet crossed the borders of either Australia or New Zealand.

Foot and mouth disease infects clovenhoof­ed animals, including cattle, deer and sheep. It is highly contagious and spreads quickly through stock once it has infected an animal.

The disease does not often kill the animal, but it has a detrimenta­l effect on what that animal can produce.

‘‘It pretty much just wipes it out completely,’’ Mr Langford said.

‘‘A cow could go from producing 20 litres of milk a day down to less than two litres. It completely annihilate­s it.’’

A 2014 report looking at a hypothetic­al outbreak suggested $16 billion would be wiped off our GDP across eight years if foot and mouth took hold.

Mr Langford said the Government's decision to alert the public to the threat was important in terms of raising awareness of just how dangerous this virus would be to New Zealand's economy.

‘‘It's still considered a low risk for New Zealand, but that doesn't mean that our country shouldn't play its part — and that's not just farmers.

‘‘That's a message for everyone travelling from the likes of Bali or potentiall­y importing products that could be carrying the disease.’’

The threat of the virus also served as a reminder that timeconsum­ing steps like removing shoes for cleaning at border control existed for a reason and should be taken seriously.

‘‘As a farmer, if I could stand there and give everyone a hug or shake their hand and thank them every time they did that, I would. That's how important it is to us. And we really appreciate it.

‘‘Something like this would have a drastic effect on my farm personally, but also the economy of the country. I know it's often said flippantly, but agricultur­e really is the backbone of our economy and that's why we need to protect it.’’ —

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