Otago Daily Times

What happens when we cannot afford to eat meat anymore?

- Anna Campbell is cofounder of Zestt Wellness, a nutraceuti­cal company. She also holds various directorsh­ips.

MY sons were discussing meat at a family dinner last night — my eldest son is flatting, while my middle son is in a university hostel, planning on flatting next year.

‘‘Eat all the meat you can this year, because next year, you won’t be able to afford any’’ was the sage advice of elder son. He was scoffed at by middle son, who tends to roll his eyes when fronted with vegetarian fare.

As inflation climbs, and costs of housing becomes an increasing­ly large percentage of our weekly spend, what is left in the kitty for food is markedly reduced. It was sobering last week to read of the 20% of New Zealand households which struggle on a monthly basis and 12% which miss at least one meal a month through lack of funds. Meat, as part of that equation, becomes a luxury, a nicetohave, but not at the cost of missing meals.

As commodity prices soar, I don’t begrudge farmers selling their protein to the highest bidders. Anyone who has farmed, for any length of time, will tell you that you need to ride the price waves, as the downturns will come. It has been wonderful to see local farmers undertakin­g community projects like ‘‘Meat the Need’’, but for many Kiwi families, the horse has bolted and diets are changing quickly.

My knowledge of economic theory is rudimentar­y — my fifthform economics teacher looked like he was preparing to throw a chair at me in a particular­ly low economic theory moment. I did manage to learn the ‘‘supplydema­nd theory’’, but I can’t find a phrase for when the curve disappears completely — disruption, replacemen­t? Regardless, middle son (ironically an economics major) is likely to be eating a lot more beans next year than he cares to imagine.

As meat and milk prices climb globally, on the back of an incoming recession, demand is likely to drop. The usual scenario is red meat is replaced with white meat, chicken or pork, however, with grain prices likely to stay high — grain supplies coming out of Ukraine having been decimated — chicken and pork prices are also likely to stay stubbornly high.

Disruption, or replacemen­t, is on its way.

Whey and casein proteins isolated from cow’s milk made up 12% of New Zealand’s dairy export revenue last year, worth over $2.5 billion to our economy. Last week, two companies, Myprotein and Perfect Day, launched a new animalfree whey protein powder, called ‘‘Whey Forward’’. This product is made using precision fermentati­on technology. Precision fermentati­on is a process used to produce bioidentic­al milk proteins like casein or whey without the use of animals (the same technology is being used to produce meat and egg products). It is done by encoding milk protein DNA sequences into microorgan­isms, such as yeast or fungi, and then fermenting them with nutrients and sugar in tanks, much like the beerbrewin­g process.

During the fermentati­on process, these unique microbes produce proteins, identical to those found in cow’s milk. These proteins can be filtered into a pure milk protein isolate that can be used to create dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt and ice cream — no ruminants involved. Another company, Betterland Milk, will be making a precision fermentati­on wholemilk product available in the US, via Amazon, late this month and in supermarke­ts by the end of the year.

The price of the whey products is not low enough to threaten whey as an ingredient isolated from cow’s milk, but in time, as issues of scaling are solved, prices will drop (if you want to keep up to date with the latest in this arena, I suggest following Otago local Anna Benny’s LinkedIn page, ‘‘Navigate’’, as a great source of informatio­n). And . . . high commodity prices for meat and milk are fuelling the fire. Sustained high prices will drive the impetus to find replacemen­t products, as companies strive to find more affordable mechanisms of supplying the world with ingredient­s and protein.

I have written about this before, and no doubt, I will again, mostly because I don’t think these new technologi­es are on our radar enough as a country of agricultur­al exporters. It is timecritic­al we do more to compete in the food technology space ourselves and in advanced manufactur­ing to develop highend consumer brands — it’s great to see a new plantmilk manufactur­ing facility being planned for Southland — but it’s a drop in our agricultur­al ocean.

New Zealand agricultur­e feeds 40 million people, and many of those people don’t even realise or appreciate they are eating or drinking New Zealand protein. The ingredient­s business has given us a great platform — now we must leap into consumer brands and highhealth products, connecting environmen­tally safe farming products with the nutritiona­l wellbeing of consumers.

Either that, or we will be growing and eating many more beans, with minimal financial returns.

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Costs . . . Meat may become a luxury, a nicetohave, but not at the cost of missing meals.
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES Costs . . . Meat may become a luxury, a nicetohave, but not at the cost of missing meals.
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